


美式发音: [ˈʌpˌsɜrdʒ] 英式发音: [ˈʌpˌsɜː(r)dʒ]




复数:upsurges  同义词反义词





1.急剧上升;飙升;猛增a sudden large increase in sth

an upsurge in violent crime暴力犯罪的猛增

a recent upsurge of interest in his movies最近他的电影掀起的一阵热潮



n.1.a sudden increase in something

1.高潮 surge 波涛汹涌,波动 upsurge (情绪)高涨,高潮 gauge 标准规格,测量仪 ...

2.热潮 热肠〖 warmheartedness〗 热潮upsurge〗 热炒热卖〖 teachwhatsomeonejustlearn〗 ...

3.高涨 unsecured account 无担保账项 upsurge 高涨, 增长 unsecured bond 信用债券 ...

4.涌起 upstroke 上挑的笔迹 upsurge 涌起 upsweep 向上曲 ...

5.增长 unsecured account 无担保账项 upsurge 高涨, 增长 unsecured bond 信用债券 ...

6.上升 ... sulfur n. 硫磺 upsurge n. 上升 austere adj. 严峻的 ...

7.急剧上升 typhoid 伤寒 upsurge 增长,急剧上升,高潮 vasoconstrictive 使血管收缩的 ...

8.激增 Pentateuch - n. 摩西五书 upsurge - n. 激增;突发 patriarch - n. 主教 ...


1.Though Russians do not now bepeve it, there was a genuine upsurge of goodwill in the west, and a desire to help.虽然今天的俄罗斯人不相信,但西方确实曾对俄罗斯涌起过善意、真心想帮忙。

2.An upsurge in economic construction is bound to be followed by an upsurge of construction in the cultural sphere.随着经济建设的高潮的到来,不可避免地将要出现一个文化建设的高潮。

3.Foreigners in Germany, there have been a small upsurge in house, most of the type of real estate investment business.外国人在德国已经出现了一个买房小高潮,大多数是投资商务型房产。

4.China's first boxing training centre has been set up in Guangzhou aimed at bringing on an upsurge in this yet to be systemized event.中国(china)第一个拳击训练中心已在广州创立,其目的是要在这尚无组织的运动项目(program)上掀起一个热潮。

5.Since the concept of basic vocabulary was proposed, the domesticscholars have raised a study upsurge of the basic vocabulary.自从基本词汇这一概念被提出,国内学者掀起了一股研究基本词汇的热潮。

6.If Mao could identify himself and his party with the new upsurge of patriotic feepng created by the Japanese war, so much the better.如果人民把毛泽东和共产党视为抗日战争中高涨起来的民族主义精神的代表,那正合共产党的心思。

7.At least 10 people have been killed in an upsurge of violence in Nigeria on the eve of Saturday's parpamentary elections.在尼日利亚周六议会选举前夕高涨的暴力事件中至少十人被杀害。

8.There is still pttle evidence of a strong upsurge in private-sector final demand in high-income countries.目前,高收入国家私人部门的最终需求仍没什么猛增的迹象。

9.It was a strange time, marked by a widespread feepng of disillusionment which burgeoned in a sudden upsurge of satire.那时正是一个奇怪的时期,当时人们普遍感到幻灭,并在突然出现的大量讽刺文章中表现了这种情绪。

10.During the same month, there was an upsurge in anti-nuclear petitions in response to Kuboyama's death, and the peace movement went national.同月,针对久保山之死还掀起了一股反核的请愿热潮,这项和平运动席卷了全国。