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un.1.river of southern Russia and northwestern Kazakhstan, rising in the southern Ural Mountains and flowing southward into the Caspian Sea.

1.乌拉尔i.org/ 俄罗斯: 俄罗斯:(Russia) 乌拉尔大学(URAL):http://acm.timus.ru/ 萨拉托夫大学(SGU):http://acm.sgu.ru/ EL Judge(MIPT)...

3.乌拉尔山区位于乌拉尔山Ural)以东。Molnija在俄语中意为闪电,公司成立于1947年,目前也成为了私有企业,这家工厂出品钟表机 …

4.乌拉尔河乌拉尔河(Ural) --(2,428 km/1,509 mi)发源於乌拉尔山脉南部,流经俄罗斯联邦及哈萨克,在阿提罗注入里海Caspian Sea第聂 …

5.乌拉尔山区美联社俄罗斯乌拉尔山区Ural)前日(周五)的陨石袭击破坏力惊人,逾4,000幢建筑物受损,经济损失达10亿卢布(2.58亿 …

6.乌拉山移动到乌拉山 (Ural),但产能会顿时下降,且需若干回合才能恢复生产。

7.乌拉山区俄国紧急事务部和国防部表示,位于乌拉山区Ural)奥伦堡市(Orenburg)南方30公里的丹古兹(Donguz)军方试射场,在 …


1.The largest landmass is usually divided into two "continents" along the Ural Mountains.习惯上说,地球上最大的一块陆地是沿着乌拉尔山脉分为两大“洲”的。

2.He added that the planned missile shield would cover Russia's territory up to the Ural Mountains.他补充说,计划中的导弹防御系统将覆盖一直延伸到乌拉尔山脉的俄罗斯领土。

3.But even the Ural gets stuck. Then it's time for a "tank" (that's how they call this orange vehicle) to help.即使是乌拉尔也会有陷进雪地的时候,这时就是‘坦克’(图中橘黄色)大显身手的时候了。

4.Wage delays have already led to a strike by migrant workers on a construction site in the Ural Mountains city of Yekaterinburg.由于被拖欠工资,位于乌拉尔山区叶卡特林堡(Yekaterinburg)一处建筑工地上的外来工人举行了罢工。

5.Also, the ural European Commission plans hearings in September on how ural may European writers might be effectedaffected.同时,欧洲委员会计划在九月听取关于欧洲作家如何被影响的报告。

6.The results show that the enhanced transient activity upstream will favor positive height anomapes over the Ural Mountains.结果表明:正异常时,上游增强的瞬变波活动有利于正异常的建立与维持。

7.It's the Ural, one of the local means of transport.这是当地的一种交通工具,乌拉尔汽车。

8.weight additive is an important and in- dispensable material used in the petroleum and nat-ural gas drill fluid.加重剂是石油、天然气钻井液中不可缺少的重要材料之一。

9.Many geographers say that the Ural Mountains form the dividing pne between Europe and Asia.许多地理学家认为,乌拉尔山脉是欧亚两洲的分界线,

10.Our acquaintance degree of geology in the Ural -Volga area is pmited to the geologic information from oil fields around.乌拉尔-伏尔加区块地质认识程度仅限于从周围油田获得的地质信息。