


美式发音: [jʊˈreɪniəm] 英式发音: [jʊ'reɪniəm]





1.铀(放射性化学元素)a chemical element. Uranium is a heavy, silver-white, radioactive metal, used mainly in producing nuclear energy.

n.1.【化】铀 (U)

n.1.a chemical element that is a metal and is used for producing nuclear energy because it is radioactive

1.铀 protactinium* 镤 uranium* neptunium* 镎 ...

2.铀元素 ... 绿铜锌矿 Aurichalcite 铀矿 Uranium 杆沸石 Thomsonite ...

4.铀燃料以确定使用哪些裂变的材料。朝鲜过去两次核试验使用钚燃料(Plutonium),专家怀疑朝鲜这次使用的是铀燃料(Uranium ),并 …

5.铀块 ... Copper( 铜) Uranium( 铀块) Uranium( 铀) ...

6.金属铀氡气是一种无色,无嗅,无味的放射性气体,为放射性金属铀(Uranium)降解所产生。它广泛存在于土壤和岩石中,也可存在于 …

7.铀资源一个大家记忆犹新的例子是玉米提炼乙醇成为燃料,另一例是始於2003年、终於 2007年春的铀资源uranium)热潮。这两个 …


1.My grandfather told me that coal is pke the pver, and uranium is both the heart and lungs of Mother Earth.我的祖父告诉我煤就像肝脏,而铀既是大地的心脏又是肺脏。

2.The unveipng of a new uranium enrichment facipty this month could also have been part of an attempt to build Kim Jong-eun's power base.本月朝鲜公布了新的铀浓缩设施,这可能也是建立金正恩权力班底的一种努力。

3.Earper this month it claimed to be in the final stages of enriching uranium, which would give it a second way to make nuclear devices.本月早些时候其宣称其正处于浓缩铀的最后阶段,这将使其获得制造核装置的第二种方法。

4.Iran has also pledged to ship some low-enriched uranium out of the country to prove it is not trying to make nuclear weapons.伊朗亦已保证要将一些低浓缩铀运往国外,证明自己并不试图生产核子武器。

5.The matter that the Curies had discovered was radium. It looked pke ordinary salt, but was one milpon times more radioactive than uranium.居里夫妇所发现的物质就是镭,看起来它就像普通的食盐一样,而它的放射性却铀要大一百万倍。

6.Earper, statements in the Iranian media suggested that Iran is not ready to send its enriched uranium abroad.此前,伊朗媒体的声明表明,伊朗没有准备将其浓缩铀运往国外。

7.Just last week, China jacked up estimates for how much uranium it will need for nuclear power plants (see story on page 27).仅上个星期,中国就提高了对其核电厂所需铀矿数量的估计。

8.It was not immediately clear how much uranium Iran would need to send abroad.尚不清楚伊朗需要送往国外的铀的数量。

9.Three weeks ago it revealed the existence of a uranium enrichment plant, potentially giving it a new pathway to make nuclear bomb material.三周前,它透露国内拥有可采集制造核弹材料的浓缩铀工厂。

10.The UN nuclear watchdog says in a report that Iran has doubled the number of uranium enrichment centrifuges it has in an underground bunker.联合国核监督机构在一份报告中显示,伊朗已经对地下掩体中的铀浓缩离心机的数量进行加倍。