


美式发音: [ˈkɔrtˌʃɪp] 英式发音: [ˈkɔː(r)tʃɪp]



复数:courtships  同义词




1.[c][u]求爱期;求爱;追求the time when two people have a romantic relationship before they get married; the process of developing this relationship

They married after a short courtship.他们恋爱不久便结婚了。

Mr Elton's courtship of Harriet埃尔顿先生对哈丽雅特的追求

2.[u](动物的)求偶the special way animals behave in order to attract a mate for producing young animals

courtship displays求偶的炫耀行为

3.~ (of sb/sth)招商the process or act of attracting a business partner, etc.

the company's courtship by the government政府向公司献殷勤


n.1.the period of time when a man and a woman have a romantic relationship with each other, before they get married2.the behavior of animals who are trying to attract a sexual partner3.an attempt to get someones support, especially in business or poptics

1.求爱 indoors 在家 courtship 求爱 citizenship 公民身份 ...

2.求婚 comradeship 同志关系;友谊 courtship 求爱,求婚,求爱时期 craftsmanship 手艺 ...

3.求偶 Population: (统计学术语)总体 Courtship求偶 Enclosure: 封闭 ...

4.求爱时期 countervail 补偿,抵销; courtship 求爱,求爱时期 cowry 宝贝,贝壳 ...

5.求爱期 start a family 开始怀第一个孩子 courtship 求爱期,追求期 hazard 危险 ...

6.奉承 Battle 战役 Courtship 奉承,取悦 Movies 电影 ...

7.求偶行为爱的出现容易缩短男女了解彼此、建立情感和生理亲密的求爱阶段Courtship),导致感情基础不够稳固;且强烈的性慾会 …


1.I do not know your North, what name is called to this song of courtship. Here we call it troat!不知你们北方,管这种求偶之歌称之为什么,我们这儿称它‘叫春’!

2.At courtship time, he waves it to attract females, often with a beckoning movement, or to fight rival males.求偶期间,雄蟹会挥动大蟹钳,吸引雌蟹注意,或击退情敌。

3.As if reading from the pages of a courtship manual, Maxim asked if she would care for a drink of any kind.马克西姆似乎是按照求爱指南上写的那样问她想要喝什么。

4."Papa, " she said, wiping some salad oil from her mouth. "You shouldn't have broken our courtship. "“爸爸,”她说,边擦去嘴角的色拉油:“你不应该破坏我们的恋情。”

5.He made a courtship ceremony of it, inviting her beforehand so she could get used to the idea.模仿求婚的仪式,他会事先邀请妻子,以便她能适应这种想法。

6.In Germany, should not be arbitrarily give as gifts to the Rose or Rose, the former said the courtship, the latter dedicated to Mourn.在德国,不宜随意以玫瑰或蔷薇送人,前者表示求爱,后者则专用于悼亡。

7.As the heir to the British throne, Prince Charles was usually the subject of media attention and his courtship of Diana was no exception.作为英国皇位的继承人,查尔斯王子一直以来是媒体关注的对象,他对戴安娜的追求也不例外。

8.The way Wall Street reached out to these funds and how they responded suggests there is nothing sinister about this two-way courtship.华尔街与这些基金接洽的方式,以及这些基金的反应表明,两者合作并无险恶之处。

9.The report found early courtship usually brings with it a strict diet regime resulting in the loss of around 5lb.研究发现,女性在“恋爱初期”通常会空是饮食,这一阶段她们的体重会下降。

10.More than any other time during my 19 years of writing this column, the workplace has become a place for courtship.在我撰写这个专栏的19年中,办公室已经成为求爱的一个场所,而且现在比任何时候都要普遍。