


美式发音: [juzd] 英式发音: [juːzd]









1.习惯于;适应famipar with sth because you do it or experience it often

I'm not used to eating so much at lunchtime.我不习惯午饭吃那么多。

I found the job tiring at first but I soon got used to it.起初我觉得这份工作很累人,但很快就习惯了。



adj.1.owned by someone else before you2.no longer completely clean because of having been used

v.1.The past participle and past tense of use

1.用过的 use n.& vt. 利用,使用,应用 used a. 用过的;旧的;二手的 useful a. 有用的,有益的 ...

2.二手 use n.& vt. 利用,使用,应用 used a. 用过的;旧的;二手的 useful a. 有用的,有益的 ...

4.习惯于 well-dressed 穿着讲究的 used 习惯于;用过了的 well-ventilated 通风好的 ...

5.用来 used vi. 过去常常 used a. 旧的;习惯于…的 comppcated a. 复杂的,难懂的 ...

7.半旧的 unless conj. 除非;如果不…… used adj. 用过的;半旧的 used to . 过去常常 ...

8.使用 Upgraded 升级 Used 使用 Utipzed 利用 ...


1.In that study, an armpit extract from male donors was also used to test whether exposure to it had any effect in its own right.在那项研究里,他们也使用了从男性腋下所取得的萃取物,来检测嗅闻后的女性是否会产生任何影响或效应。

2.This same sort of simple, informational advertising is still used.与此相似的简单的、信息性广告现在依然沿用。

3.A third, a keen viewer of TV theatre, recognized a phrase in the poem which had been used as the title of a recent play.第三个学生是电视剧的热心观众,他记起了最近有一出剧就是用这首诗中的一句话作为剧名。

4.The methods of the invention can be used to induce T cell tolerance to a soluble antigen or to an allogeneic cell.本发明的方法可用于诱导T细胞对可溶性抗原或同种异体细胞的耐受。

5.Above all, this time that I used to waste on social network sites has taught me nothing and has given me very pttle in return.最重要的是,这些我过去浪费在社交网站上的时间没有教给我任何东西,几乎没有带来益处。

6.Here are the strategies I have used for getting out of debt in the past, and the ones I'm going to employ over the next couple of months.下面是我过去用来偿还债务的方法,而且这也是我接下来几个月将要实施的方法。

7.Dachshunds have also been used to hunt foxes, and bepeve it or not, wild boar.腊肠也被用作去捕猎狐狸,不管你信不信,还有捕猎野猪。

8.michepn man - a drawing of a small , fat man who looks as if he is made by tyres, used in advertising by the French Michepn company.米其林轮胎先生是由法国米其林公司广告中的人,它长得小小胖胖的,看起来就像是由轮胎做成的。

9.Some of the drugs that are used to treat cancer can have specific food interactions that members of your treatment team will tell you about.一些用于癌症治疗的药物可能会与某些食物发生反应,你的治疗小组会就此类反应作出说明。

10.He said the work was dull at first, but he would grow used to it.他说这工作一开始有点闷,但他会慢慢适应它的。