


美式发音: [ˌju es ˈes] 英式发音: [ˌjuː es ˈes]


网络释义:美国标准(Us Standard);新加坡环球影城(Universal Studio Singapore);美国钢公司(US Steel)



1.美国船(用于美国海军舰船的名称前)United States Ship (used before the name of a ship in the US navy)

USS Oklahoma美国军舰俄克拉何马号

abbr.1.(=United States Senate)美国参议院2.(=United States Ship)[Steamer, Steamship] 美国船3.(=United States Standard)美国(工业)规格,美国(工业)标准

abbr.1.(=United States Senate)2.(=United States Ship)3.(=United States Standard)4.United States Ship: used before the name of a ship belonging to the U.S. Navy1.(=United States Senate)2.(=United States Ship)3.(=United States Standard)4.United States Ship: used before the name of a ship belonging to the U.S. Navy

1.美国标准(Us Standard) USPO 美国专利局 USS 美国标准 USSG 美国标准线规 ...

2.新加坡环球影城(Universal Studio Singapore)新加坡环球影城 Universal Studio Singapore (USS)by fantasyicq 2,006 views 6:05 ▓▓▓《新加坡又一奇迹与世界的典范 -绿色 …

3.美国钢公司(US Steel)  美国钢公司(uss)正考虑一系列投资,减少焦炭价格上涨带来的冲击和对第三方供应者的依赖。提高焦炭自给率一直是该公司的 …

4.美国钢铁公司1948年美国钢铁公司USS)设计并投产了一条有一定特色的热镀锌带钢生产线,所用方法原来称为“USS法”,美国钢铁公司 …


1.The USS Lassen is in port in Thailand with personnel and equipment ready to move in on rescue, repef and recovery efforts.“拉申号”(USSLassen)导弹驱逐舰已载救灾人员和设备抵达泰国海港,随时准备参与搜救、救灾和重建工作。

2.An al-Qaeda leader in Yemen wanted in connection with the 2000 bombing of the American warship USS Cole has been killed in an air raid.也门一名基地组织通缉犯在一场空袭中被杀,他涉嫌参与2000年美国科尔号战舰爆炸案。

3.He said candidate Dmitry Uss also had been released, after being among seven opposition candidates jailed following Sunday's election.他说,候选人梅德号航空母舰也已被释放的候选人,反对派入狱后,在以下七个星期天的选举。

4.The pilot was returning from training on the carrier USS Abraham Lincoln off the San Diego coast when the plane went down, she said.Putnam说当飞机在下沉的时候,飞行员驾驶着亚伯拉罕.林肯号美国航空母舰在离开圣地亚哥海岸训练返回的途中。

5.A senior defense official said the announcement on Capt. Owen Honors of the USS Enterprise was expected Tuesday afternoon.一位高级防务官员称,对欧文上校的荣誉企业号公告,预计周二下午。

6.When Osama bin Laden was captured and killed, it was the carrier USS Carl Vinson that carried out his burial at sea.当奥赛马本拉登被捕和杀后,他的葬礼是用卡尔文森号运到海上举行的。

7.The sun sets over a set of "Big Eyes" binoculars on the signal bridge of the USS Harry S. Truman .杜鲁门号航空母舰上,一架“大眼睛”双筒望远镜上的太阳。

8.Owing to the addition of a fpght deck over the existing hull, the USS Langley (CV-1) became known as the "Covered Wagon. "由于是在现有的船体之外加上了一层飞行甲板,兰利号航空母舰(CV-1)也被称为“大篷车”。

9.Finally the tsunami pushing the United States already retired aircraft carrier USS John F. Kennedy crashed into the White House!最后,海啸推动美国已经退役航空母舰肯尼迪号航空母舰撞向白宫!

10.The ship, named the USS New York, sailed up the Hudson River to approach the site of the twin towers.这艘战舰名为纽约号USS,沿哈德逊河航行靠近双子大楼。