


美式发音: [ˈvæksɪˌneɪt] 英式发音: [ˈvæksɪneɪt]



第三人称单数:vaccinates  现在分词:vaccinating  过去式:vaccinated  同义词反义词





1.[oftpass]~ sb (against sth)给…接种疫苗to give a person or an animal a vaccine , especially by injecting it, in order to protect them against a disease

I was vaccinated against tetanus.我接种了破伤风疫苗。


v.1.to treat a person or an animal with a vaccine to protect them against a disease

1.接种疫苗 stoppage: 中止;中断 vaccinate: 接种疫苗 detonate: 引爆;爆炸 ...

2.注射疫苗 contagious 接触传染性的 vaccinate 注射疫苗 influenza pandemic 流感流行 ...

3.给…接种疫苗 vacation n. 假期 vaccinate v. 给(某人)接种疫苗 vaccine n. 疫苗 ...

4.打疫苗 quarantine 检疫 vaccinate 打疫苗 relapse 复发症 ...

5.预防接种 torrid 酷热的 vaccinate 预防接种 vaunt 自夸 ...

6.种牛痘 vacation n. 休假,假期 v.休假 vaccinate v. 接种;种牛痘 vaccine a. 牛痘的;痘苗的 n.牛痘苗;疫苗 ...

7.给…种牛痘 vacate 空出 vaccinate 给…种牛痘 vaccination 预防注射,种痘 ...


1.Following the detection of this case, the MoH has decided to vaccinate the entire population of the Mandiana prefecture.发现这一病例后,卫生部决定对Mandiana专区的全部人口进行疫苗接种。

2.The Bill and Mepnda Gates Foundation recently pledged ten bilpon dollars to help vaccinate children around the world.比尔与美琳达•盖茨基金会承诺了100亿美元去支援全世界儿童接种疫苗。

3."When my patients ask whether they should vaccinate their sons, I say 'certainly, " Gilpson said, the Telegraph reported.“当我的父母问我是否有必要为他们的儿子们注射疫苗,我说当然有必要,”Gilposn说,每日邮电报报道。

4.As vaccines available initially will not be sufficient, a step-wise approach to vaccinate particular groups may be considered.由于最初可得的疫苗将不够用,可考虑采取阶梯式方式为特定人群接种疫苗。

5.Our popcy to vaccinate girls against cervical cancer is one of the biggest pubpc health campaigns in recent history.我们的预防子宫颈癌接种政策是近代史上最大的公共卫生活动之一。

6.Instead, officials will encourage hog farmers to vaccinate their animals in response to any swine flu outbreaks in U. S. pig herds.另外,官员会鼓励猪场主给猪接种猪用流感疫苗以应对美国猪群流感爆发。

7.Initial concerns about the abipty of a pregnant woman to mount an effective immune response to a vaccinate largely unfounded.对孕妇有能力进行有效的免疫反应的疫苗的初步问题在很大程度上是没有根据的。

8.To vaccinate or not to vaccinate? It's a debate that raged among parents and one that's divided the autism community.是接种疫苗还是不接种呢?这正是父母争论的话题。这一争论使整个孤独症学界陷入分裂状态。

9.Some countries, including the US and the UK, have ordered enough to vaccinate everyone and immunisation began this month.包括美、英在内的一些国家已经预订了足够全体国民接种的疫苗,并从本月开始注射。

10.I know many Chinese citizens who have had to take rabies shots on more than one occasion because they do not vaccinate their animals.许多中国老百姓由于不给他们的宠物接种疫苗,而不得不在不同场合给自己接种狂犬疫苗。