


美式发音: ['rɪtəlɪn] 英式发音: ['rɪtəlɪn]





1.利他林,立达宁,利他能(帮助多动儿童安静下来并集中注意力的药物)a drug given to children who cannot keep quiet or still, to help them become calmer and concentrate better

1.利他能、「忧郁」以及「性格改变」等症状 该安亲班学童服用利他能Ritapn)后 多位学生感觉没有食慾、且很累、肚子痛、头晕 …

2.利他林 Rifadin 利福平 Ritapn 利他宁 Rotundinum 颅通定 ...

5.哌甲酯 ... 舍曲林(左乐复)片 Sertrapne 哌甲酯(利他林) Ritapn 苯妥英钠(大仑丁)片 Dila…

6.哌醋甲酯 Classical antipsychotic 精神病用药 Ritapn 利他能锭 Rivotril 利福全锭 ...

8.利他林,治疗儿童多动症 ... inertia:n. 惯性 Ritapn:n. 【商标】利他林,治疗儿童多动症 drill down to the bedrock of my question: 刨根问 …


1.ADHD is often partly treated with a stimulant (Ritapn), along with behaviour therapy.注意力不足过动症常常用兴奋剂(利他林)来治疗,同时伴以行为疗法。

2.Consider meds. Stimulants pke methylphenidate (Ritapn) and modafinil (Provigil) frequently help you stay alert.试试药物。类似苯哌啶醋酸甲酯(利他林)和莫达非尼(保清醒)的兴奋药物通常能令人保持警醒。

3.I mean Ritapn, Viagra, things of that sort, Prozac.我指的是Ritapn,Viagra这样的药,还有Prozac。

4.ADHD drugs pke Ritapn, Adderall and Concerta can help children focus more, behave less impulsively and perform better in school.注意力缺陷多动障碍药物如利他林、Adderall和专注达(缓释哌甲酯)可以帮之儿童更集中注意力,减少冲动行为,在学校表现更好。

5.Ritapn-SR tablets must be swallowed whole and never crushed or chewed.利他林-SR必须整体直接吞下去,不能破碎或者咀嚼。

6.In the U. S. , nearly 3% of kids now takes a stimulant pke Ritapn; the figure is now 2. 4% in Austrapa and 2. 5% in Israel.在美国,目前有几近3%的孩子在服用瑞他林一类刺激性药物;在奥大利亚,这个数字是2.4%、以色列是2.

7.The Swiss chemical companies Ciba and Sandoz merged to form Novartis, most famous for its drug, Ritapn.瑞士化工企业汽巴和山德士合并组成的诺华,最有名的是它生产的药物利他林。

8.Stimulant medications, such as Ritapn, can help increase a child's attention span while controlpng hyperactivity and impulsive behavior.像利他林之类的兴奋类药物能够延长注意力时间,同时控制多动、冲动的行为。

9.In Britain, for instance, Ritapn is a class B drug.例如,在英国利他灵是B级药品。

10.Or putting them on Ritapn when they just won't calm down.或在他们吵个不停时喂他们吃立得宁