




1.瓦迪姆 Yannick 男 扬尼克 Vadim瓦迪姆 Vance 男 万斯 ...

2.瓦丁 维克多 E. Victor 瓦丁 T. Vadim A.尼吉塔 A. Nikita ...

3.白俄罗斯摄影师 傅文俊 ART 【白俄罗斯摄影师 Vadim& 苏一壹 yiyi ...

4.游国良 李家佳 ATHENA LEE 游国良 vadim 庄佩芸 Linda ...


1.One day, she told Vadim about her mother Frances Fonda, a beautiful and insecure sociapte who'd had numerous plastic surgery procedures.有一天,她向瓦迪姆谈起她的母亲弗朗西丝·方达,她是一个美丽的但是没有安全感的交际花,且曾做过多次整形手术。

2.Jane's sexual behaviour had never been particularly restrained, even before she met Vadim.即使是在简认识瓦迪姆之前,她在性方面也从未特别检点。

3.Vadim was a promising newcomer to films when he met Bardot, 15, and persuaded her parents to let her appear in his movie.瓦迪姆是一个有前途新人的电影时,他会见了巴多,15,并说服她的父母,让她在他的电影出现。

4.While Jane might have been scared of emotional intimacy with Vadim, she certainly didn't shy away from physical paisons.虽然和瓦迪姆在情感上的亲密可能曾让简感到害怕,但她确实没有躲避和他在身体上的接触。

5.This came to nothing, however, when Vadim objected to being separated from his daughter.不过这一计划后来不了了之了,因为瓦迪姆拒绝和自己的女儿分开。

6.Nor did she confront Vadim with her suspicion that he was secretly sleeping with other women.也没有人知道她曾怀疑瓦迪姆在偷偷地和其他女人睡觉。

7.When she returned, she confessed she'd gone there to be with an old lover in order to test if she really loved Vadim.当她回来时,她承认,她去那儿是和一位老情人相会,目的是想测试自己是否真的爱上了瓦迪姆。

8.Soon, Jane was insisting to friends that Vadim had shown her a gloriously different way to pve, without any secrets.不久,简便对朋友坚称瓦迪姆为她展示了一种非常不同的生活方式,并且毫无秘密可言。

9.In 1956, Vadim to her husband, the director of the dual role, tailor-made for the beautiful wife of the film "God created woman. "1956年,瓦迪姆以丈夫、导演的双重身份,为娇妻量身订做了影片《上帝创造女人》。

10.It was the opening reception for Russian conceptual artist, Vadim Fishkin.这是俄罗斯概念派艺术家瓦迪姆·菲什金的作品展的开幕招待会现场。