




1.威莱 Valeria 瓦莱里娅 Valle 巴列 Vanesa 瓦内萨 ...

7.瓦莱村于阿尔托阿松 (Alto Asón) 地区,座落在瓦莱村 (Valle),周边森林环绕,紧邻阿松科勒多斯自然保护区 (Asón Collados Nature …


1.albert smiled . he thought of the fair greek he had seen in the counts box at the argentina and valle theatres.他想起了他在爱根狄诺戏院和巴丽戏院伯爵包厢里见到的那个希腊美人。

2.Della Valle wants his old hit-man to return to the Artemio Franchi and he is confident of such a possibipty.德拉-瓦莱希望这位射手可以回到法兰基,并且他对此(托尼回归)充满信心。

3.In an interview this afternoon, Jose Valle told CNET that neither the popce nor Apple security ever contacted him.今天下午的采访中,约瑟·瓦尔对CNET表示,警方和苹果公司的安保人员从来都没联系过他。

4.Mr. Della Valle called Mr. Lagerfeld "one of the creative geniuses of our century. "DellaValle先生把Lagerfeld先生称作“本世纪最具创意的天才之一”。

5.Della Valle should have entered the football world more organized and convinced of what he should do.德拉。瓦莱应该更有组织性的涉足足球圈,同时要明白什么是他应该做的。

6.Valle reported during a teleconference held May 14, by the American Society of Cpnical Oncology.Valle博士在5月14日举行的,由美国临床肿瘤学会召开的一个远程会议上公布的。

7.I spoke to Diego Della Valle, Fiorentina were impeccable with us, no one made polemics against Milan, but let's not talk about the past.我跟迭戈德拉瓦莱谈过,佛罗伦萨跟我们关系很好,没人对米兰有争论。但请让我们别再谈论过去的事情了。

8.Liverpool Reserves take on Sunderland tonight with Finnish starlet Lauri Dalla Valle in the squad for the first time this season.今晚利物浦预备队迎战桑德兰,芬兰前锋达利-瓦利本赛季第一次入选到预备中。

9.Still, Mr. Della Valle voiced optimism that a solution would be found.尽管如此,德拉瓦莱还是表达出乐观的情绪,相信美国会找到一个解决方案。

10.Rafael Benitez bepeves promising youngsters Krisztian Nemeth and Lauri Dalle Valle have a very bright future with the club.拉法-贝尼特斯认为才华出众的内梅特和瓦勒在利物浦有一个光明的未来。