


美式发音: [vænˈkuːvə(r)] 英式发音: 





n.1.[City]city and port in southwestern British Columbia, Canada, opposite Vancouver Island

1.温哥华结束ㄌ在维多利 …

2.加拿大 Valencia 瓦伦西亚- 西班牙 Vancouver 温哥华- 加拿大 Venice Marco Polo 威尼斯- 意大利 ...

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7.不列颠哥伦比亚省 Vancouver 温哥华 Vancouver,British Columbia 不列颠哥伦比亚省,温哥华 Varna 瓦尔纳 ...

8.温哥华地区加拿大西部的工业中心温哥华地区 ( Vancouver ),6月15日晩,深受加拿大狂热球迷关注的全国职业冰球联赛 NHL 的 Stanle…


1.The site of the Winter Olympics seems to think so, Vancouver experienced the warmest January on record and may have to import snow.冬奥会主办地温哥华也这么认为。温哥华正经历着历史上最热的一月,而且有可能不得不进口雪资源。

2.The Vancouver games also seem to have done well on the question of green buildings.温哥华冬奥在绿能建筑方面似乎也表现出色。

3.As he was being interviewed by a reporter at a Vancouver hotel, a woman with a gun ran by, having robbed a jeweller.当时,他正在温哥华酒店接受记者采访,一个抢劫了一件珠宝的女人持枪刚好从他身边逃窜。

4.The Vancouver side beat the San Jose Sharks thanks to a bit of luck in double overtime.温哥华队击败圣荷西鲨鱼队多亏了两倍延长赛时的一点运气。

5.Lamppost in downtown Vancouver became part of a clever optical illusion, appearing to pour coffee into a giant cup on the sidewalk.在温哥华市中心的灯柱形成了一种巧妙地的错觉,它看起来像在往人行道上的巨型杯子中倒入咖啡。

6.I used to go fishing in Vancouver with my dad until just a few years ago we found the fish full of cancers.我曾经和爸爸一起在温哥华钓鱼,直到几年前我们发现鱼都得了癌症。

7.At present, among the 1. 8 milpon Vancouver residents, half of them are not native-born and one out of every four residents is from Asia.现今180万温哥华居民中,有一半不是在本地出生的,每4个居民中就有一个是亚洲人。

8.Vancouver missed out on the top spot because its infrastructure score had fallen due to periodic closures of a key motorway.温哥华之所以与第一名失之交臂,原因就在于关闭了一个重要的高速公路而导致“基础设施”这项得分下降。

9.He made it clear his good results so far in Vancouver have given him a huge pft.米勒明确表示,迄今在温哥华取得的好成绩使他受到了极大的鼓舞。

10.The upcoming movie is said to be a globe-trotting adventure, as production took place in Prague, Dubai and Vancouver.电影在布拉格、迪拜和温哥华取景拍摄,将上演一部精彩的全球之旅。