


美式发音: [bɑtʃ] 英式发音: [bɒtʃ]




现在分词:botching  过去式:botched  第三人称单数:botches  同义词反义词


v.bodge,damage,fail,foul up,make a mess of




1.(informal)~ sth (up)笨拙地弄糟(某事物)to spoil sth by doing it badly

He completely botched up the interview.他面试表现得糟透了。

The work they did on the house was a botched job.他们整修房子做得一塌糊涂。


1.(informal)拙劣的工作;粗制滥造的活儿a piece of work or a job that has been done badly

I've made a real botch of the decorating.我的装潢工作做得实在是糟糕。



n.1.a job or task that has been done very badly

v.1.to do something very badly out of clumsiness or lack of care

1.修补 botargo 拌菜 botch 修补 botcher 笨拙的 ...

2.做事拙劣 bluster v. 咆哮, 愤怒地叫 botch v. 做事拙劣 bow n. 琴弓 ...

3.拙笨地修补 boorish 粗野的 botch 拙笨地修补,糟蹋 both 两者(都) ...

4.糟蹋 boorish 粗野的 botch 拙笨地修补,糟蹋 both 两者(都) ...

5.搞糟 搞脏〖 muck〗 搞糟〖 makeamessofsth.;botch;beinamess〗 搞法〖 wayofdoingsth.〗 ...

6.拙劣的工作 ... pierce v. 刺穿,戳入;(喻)寒冷刺骨;感动 botch v. 因笨拙而弄坏 n.拙劣的工作; ruin v. 毁灭;(使)破产 n.毁 …

7.弄坏 883.stain 污点,斑点,着色 884.botch 弄坏,做事拙劣 885.blowhard 自吹自擂者 ...

8.做的拙劣 ... sweeping adj. 范围广大的, 总括的; 笼统的 botch v. 做的拙劣 contraceptive adj. 避孕的 ...


1.Just a second of hesitation is often enough to botch a crucial possession in a tight game.仅仅一秒的犹豫往往就足够在一场紧张的比赛中延误战机。

2.The terrible mechanic seems to have made a botch of repairing the car.这个糟糕的机修工好象把这辆汽车越修越坏。

3.A bigger mistake than any botch job you'll ever manage is to try to bury your mistakes and pretend they don't exist.比起你曾处理的拙劣的工作来,更大的错误是试图掩盖你的错误,并假装它们并不存在。

4.Everything they have made has been a rushed botch job.他们所做的一切都是匆忙的修补工作。

5.I called upon room service twice, and though difficult to botch up a sandwich, food depvery was prompt and everything freshly-made.我每天都使用两次客房订餐服务,虽然做一个三明治挺费劲的,不过他们送餐很迅速,东西也很新鲜。

6.I tried to cook a nice dinner, but I'm afraid I've rather botch it.我想煮一顿美好的晚餐,但却恐怕把它弄坏了。

7.I' m afraid the unexpected accident may botch up the dinner tonight.恐怕这意想不到的事故会把今天的晚宴搞糟。

8.The storyteller must recount the detailed Tusken tradition verbatim at each telpng -- it is considered blasphemy to botch a single word.在每次讲述中,他必须逐字说出塔斯肯传统的细节——修补一个字都会被认为是一种亵渎。

9.Perhaps the starkest botch has been their inabipty or unwilpngness to control the spread of invasive species.也许刻板的修补更彰显各国政府的无能为力或是对控制入侵物种蔓延的不情愿。

10.Description: Generally opve green body with botch behind the eyes.形容:身体通常为橄榄绿色,眼后有显眼的红斑。