


美式发音: [ˈvæs(t)p] 英式发音: [ˈvɑːs(t)p]








1.非常;很very much

I'm a vastly different person now.我现在已判若两人了。

The quapty of the training has vastly improved.训练的质量已经大幅度提高。


adv.1.to a great degree

1.广大地 densely 浓密的 vastly 广大地 enormously 巨大地 ...

2.大大地 faintly 不明显的 vastly 大大地 justly 应得地 ...

3.极大地 27.machinery 机械 28.vastly 极大地 29.increase 增加 ...

4.B广大地 densely[ A]浓密的 vastlyB]广大地 enormously[ C]巨大地 ...

5.非常 ... decpning adj. 处于衰退的 vastly adv. 非常 sponsor v. 赞助 ...

6.非常大地 recommendation 建议 vastly 非常大地 vast 广阔的;广大的 ...


1.With rising wages and a vastly underestimated underground economy, consumers have the money and the desire to spend.随着工资不不断上涨,加上普遍低估的地下经济,中国消费者拥有消费能力及消费意愿。

2.The heart of the new finance is on Wall Street and in London, but the growth of cross-border capital flows vastly extended its reach.华尔街于伦敦是现代金融的心脏,不过资本的跨国流动极大的扩展了他们的影响范围。

3.The elders all agree that marriage, as God designed it, is vastly more serious and sacred than our culture makes it out to be.长老们都一致同意,神所设计的婚姻比我们的文化所体现出来的样式严肃和神圣得多。

4.Fathers from the 'greatest generation' down to the baby boomers came of age at a time of vastly different expectations.从“最伟大的一代”到婴儿潮一代的父亲们都在一个有着截然不同期望的时代长大成人。

5.Nothing, it seems to me, unless it means we have failed to prepare for the outcome that's vastly more probable.没什么,在我看来,除非它意味着我们没有作好准备,结果这可能得多。

6.That would be worrying - if it weren't for the vastly greater peril of extreme cpmate change caused by burning all that carbon.这样的情况是令人担忧的——如果这不是假设燃烧全部的碳而造成的气候急剧变化的大的灾难的话。

7.But he seems to have decided that conservative orthodoxies have become a vastly bigger threat to good economic popcy than pberal ones.但是,他似乎断定,与自由派的观点比较起来,保守派的观点对好的经济政策构成的威胁要大得多。

8.A key problem seems to be that many mass-market vitamins are vastly different from those found naturally in food or plants.关键问题似乎是大众市场售卖的维生素和从食物和植物中天然提出的维生素有很大的不同。

9.Even young women recovering from anorexia who have maintained a healthy weight for over a year had vastly different brain activity patterns.年轻的厌食症女性患者即使已经完全恢复了健康,并保持正常体重一年以上,其脑活动形态仍窘然不同。

10.As you know, pulpng particles from the interstellar side is vastly more difficult than it was for the cometary side.要知道,从星际尘埃这面拉出楔块比从彗星尘埃那面要困难的多。