


美式发音: [ˈkerəb] 英式发音: [ˈkærəb]






1.角豆树(产于南欧,果实可制粉,味道似巧克力)a southern European tree with dark brown fruit that can be made into a powder that tastes pke chocolate


n.1.a sweet brown powder that tastes pke chocolate and is made from the seeds of a Mediterranean tree

1.角豆树 smog 烟雾 carob 角豆树 cardia 贲门 ...

2.角豆树的种子 carolathine 不纯粘土 carob [植]长豆角 carob powder 角豆荚粉 ...

5.有机长豆角 ... 卡塔芙 Katafray 有机长豆角 Carob 有机奇异果 Kiwi ...

6.角豆粉角豆粉carob)做的“巧克力”咖啡 牛奶 坚果露或豆浆 酸奶 酸豆奶 奶酪 酪梨 糕饼、果酱、糖果 吃足够的甜味水果,你就应该 …


1.And he longed to be satisfied with the carob pods which the hogs were eating, and no one gave him anything.他恨不得拿猪所吃的豆荚充饥,也没有人给他。

2.Powder made out of carob tree pods. The carob is an evergreen that grows around the Mediterranean .角豆树属密集小群生长,属长绿植物,生长于地中海周围。

3.Organic carob, organic barley, chicory, organic chicory, organic dates, almonds, natural mocha flavor, organic figs, organic cocoa powder.有机长豆角,有机大麦,菊苣,菊苣有机,有机枣,杏仁,天然摩卡风味,有机无花果,有机可可粉。

4.powder from the ground seeds and pods of the carob tree; used as a chocolate substitute.长豆角籽碾磨而成的粉;用作巧克力替代品。

5.AQUARIUS: Skips chocolates altogether -- they prefer a box of carob and raisins health bars.水瓶座对巧克力根本就不感冒,他们更喜欢用稻子豆和葡萄干做的健康条状食品。

6.Get some assorted nuts, raisons (or other dried fruit), and maybe some carob chips or yogurt chips if you have the sweet tooth.搁一些坚果、葡萄干或其他干果,如果你喜欢吃甜食,还可加些角豆片或奶酪片。

7.mother is an umbrella, is under the umbrella, we are carob pods children is the beans.母亲是伞,是豆荚,我们是伞下的孩子,是荚里的豆子。

8.Any of several similar or related trees, such AS the honey locust or the carob.洋槐类似或相关的几种树,如美洲皂荚或稻子豆树

9.a bar of candy made with carob powder.角豆粉作成分的棒糖。

10.Treated himself to piece of first lady's carob-flavored kelp loaf birthday cake犒劳自己一块第一夫人的角豆味海带长方形生日蛋糕