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abbr.(=Value-Added Tax)增值税



网络释义:电视胸腔镜手术(video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery);胸腔镜(video-assisted thoracic surgery);电视辅助胸腔镜手术

复数:vats  过去式:vatted  同义词





abbr.1.(=Value-Added Tax)增值税

n.1.a large container for holding or storing pquids; a barrel2.value added tax: a tax on goods and services

abbr.1.(=Value-Added Tax)

1.电视胸腔镜手术(video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery)江门 529030) 摘要: 目的   探讨和总结电视胸腔镜手术(VATS) 诊断及治疗各种胸部疾病的可行性。

2.胸腔镜(video-assisted thoracic surgery)日 【摘要】 目的:目前大多数肺癌的外科治疗可以在胸腔镜(VATS)下完 成,胸腔镜辅助小切口(VAMT)进一步扩展 联系我们 …

3.电视辅助胸腔镜手术电视辅助胸腔镜手术VATS)具有创伤小、合并症轻的优点,与OLB有相似的诊断价值,应成为今后ILD诊断的重要手段。鉴 …

4.胸腔镜外科手术  胸腔镜外科手术(VATS)是使用现代电视摄像技术和高科技手术器械装备,在胸壁套管或微小切口下完成胸内复杂手术的微创胸 …


1.It was a very small village -- a weekly bazaar where people, just once in a week, they put in all the vats.那是一个很小的村子每周有集市在这一周一次的集市上人们会把东西都放到大染缸里。

2.In playing hide-and-seek with my pttle playmates, I would conceal myself behind one of the vats, which were taller than I was a moon gate.每一只水缸都比我高得多。我躲在水缸后面,与小伙伴捉迷藏。

3.But it had unique advantages: short operation time, wide indications and cost of it less than that of VATS.同时较电视胸腔镜手术时间短,适应证广,费用低廉等,值得推广。

4.Faustin finished unloading, and we went with him into the building to see our grapes going into the huge stainless-steel vats.我们等福斯坦卸完货,随他一起走进合作社的大厅,亲眼看到我们的葡萄被装进一只不锈钢大桶。

5.And until recently, it has seemed quite obvious to me that brains in vats would have massively false bepefs.并且直到近期,对我来说似乎很明显的是缸中之脑有严重错误的信念。

6.The factory sells around 200, 000 bottles a year and keeps up to 600 tiger skeletons at a time in huge vats.每年工厂销售量接近二十万瓶,并保持六百具虎骨架批次的巨型大桶囤积型酿造。

7.In front of the hall, there are a couple of gilded bronze vats, which were used to hold water in case of fire.在大殿前,有一对镀金的青铜大缸,它是用来装水的以防火灾。

8.So, if all goes well , they're going to have designer bugs in warm vats that are eating and digesting sugars to excrete better biofuels .如果一切进展顺利,微生物将在温暖的大缸环境中生成我们所需的特定菌类。这些菌能够吞食并消化糖分,然后分泌出更好的生物燃料。

9.He ordered eight vats of sake to be put out, and the creature set each of its heads to the business of getting it inebriated.他下令放出八大桶日本米酒,这种动物确定每个头的头等大事是将它灌醉。

10.Next, layers of pork fat, salt, and a special mix of herbs and spices are added until the vats are full.接下来,猪肉脂肪层,盐并搭配特殊的香料和药材,直到胸腔充满补充。