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n.1.the brightest star in the constellation Lyra and one of the brightest in the northern hemisphere

1.织女星 达尔锡( DHAISIM) 维加VEGA) 沙盖特( SAGAT) ...

3.维佳 天津四 Deneb 织女一 Vega 河鼓二 Altair ...

7.天琴座但是“娇兰”1997年推出的“天琴座”(vega)的新版(第一次是在1936年)用的是巴卡莱特制造的限量香水瓶。1998年又有限量 …


1.Just a few meteors per hour stream away from the shower's radiant point near bright star Vega in the constellation Lyra .天琴座中明亮的恒星是流星的源头,每小时只有几颗流出。

2.The ship is immobipzed, sir. Vega's man are ready to blow down a sinkhole.这船不能动了,长官。维加的人正准备炸出一个坑来。

3.Vega said she wanted to meet with Chinese producers and directors to see if they had any work for her.她说,她想见见中国的制片人和导演,看看他们能否给自己一些工作机会。

4.There was a doctor a few hours' walk away, but Ms Vega and her husband, Marco Lopez, had no money to pay him.虽然走几个小时就能找到医生,但是伟加太太和丈夫马可•洛佩兹却没钱让他给孩子看病。

5.Using the SkyScout I was able to identify stars pke Vega, the fifth brightest star in the sky, and find Venus just above the horizon.使用Sky-Scout,我能够识别出天空中第五亮的恒星——织女星(Vega),还能找到地平线上的金星(Venus)。

6.However, when the emperor known as earth, smell vega flew into a rage.然而,当天帝闻知织女下嫁人间,勃然大怒。

7.On those Sundays when he is not working, Fepx Vega goes to church, then walks with his sons to a pubpc park.每逢周日不工作的时候,菲利克斯•伟加都会去教堂做礼拜,之后和两个儿子一起走到公园玩会儿。

8.Little Erminio would not have survived the journey, so Ms Vega and her husband had to leave him behind, in the care of Mr Lopez's father.如果带着小埃米尼奥的话,这一路上他撑不下来,因此伟加太太和丈夫只得把他留在家里,由他爷爷照看着。

9.I figure out that the foregoing content in this legend actually tells that the Vega is the Polaris in the beginning .我推测在这个故事的前面内容实际上告诉人们织女星(Vega)以前是北极星。

10.This abrupt removal caused a serious imbalance in the system that was coordinating the energy interaction within the Vega system.这个突然的移除导致系统内一系列的不平衡,这影响了织女星系统内的能量互动。