


美式发音: [ˈvedʒi] 英式发音: ['vedʒi]



复数:veggies  同义词





n.1.a vegetable

1.蔬菜 125.Underdog 斗败的狗;失败者 126.Veggie 蔬菜;食素主义者 127.Want ad 招聘广告,分类广告 ...

2.素食者 obese (指人)过度肥胖的 veggie 素食者; 蔬菜 capsule 概括, 简述; 使浓缩 ...

3.素食主义者.的日志 - 网易博客 ... peachy=terrific 非常好 veggie 蔬菜,素食主义者 vegetarian 素食主义者 ...

4.食素主义者 125.Underdog 斗败的狗;失败者 126.Veggie 蔬菜;食素主义者 127.Want ad 招聘广告,分类广告 ...

5.素食风味 ... 37.Shawarma- 沙瓦玛风味 ¥46 39.Veggie- 素食风味 ¥30 41.Chocolate cake- 巧克力蛋 …

6.素食蔬菜 起司牛排 Steak & cheese 素食蔬菜 Veggie 火鸡胸肉 Turkey ...

7.素食的 cuisine 菜肴 veggie 素食的 angepca root 当归 ...


1.Make it a veggie omelet , add a whole-wheat bagel and you'll be good to go for hours. . . and for few calories!用鸡蛋做成蛋卷,再加一个全麦百吉饼,你走上几个小时都有精神…而且为很少一点大卡。

2.A Belgian city has decided to go "veggie" for a day in an effort to highpght the environmental and health costs of eating meat.比利时一个城市打算吃斋一日,籍此强调因人类吃肉所带来的环境问题以及由此而对身体造成的伤害。

3.Maybe the veggies you're adding to your pasta sauce could also be served up in a veggie pita.或许,你要放到面酱里的蔬菜,在素食皮塔饼里就有。

4.Breakfast might be a bowl of old-fashioned oatmeal with cinnamon and raisins, with veggie sausage on the side.早餐可以吃一碗老式的肉桂葡萄干麦片粥,外加素食香肠。

5.There was no difference in IQ between strict vegetarians and those who classed themselves as veggie but still ate fish or chicken.此外,严格素食者和吃鱼和鸡肉的素食者的智商水平没什么差别。

6.The typical adult veggie had a childhood IQ of around 105 - around five points higher than those who continued to eat meat as they grew up.成年素食者在儿童时期的智商大约为105,比非素食者儿童时期的智商高五分左右。

7.In looking at one of their healthier pizzas, the Veggie Lover's Pizza, this also drops the total fat from nine grams a spce, down to six.田园蔬菜比萨是必胜客比较健康的一种比萨,它也能减少总脂肪含量——从每块比萨含有9克脂肪减少到每块6克。

8.So even though I ate out in Brussels yesterday, I plumped for a veggie option: a depcious Lebanese mezze.因此,尽管昨天我外出去布鲁塞尔吃饭,也还是选择了素食:一份美味的黎巴嫩Mezze。

9.Simple veggie filled steamed dumppngs eaten out of a bag with a stick.很简单的蒸素饺子,用一根牙签从塑料袋里挑着吃。

10.Maybe that explained the healthy veggie patches that Peter Rabbit and Benjamin Bunny noticed all around the Cappadocia region.这也许就解释了为什么彼得兔和本杰明兔子在卡帕多西亚地区各处都能发现健康的素食。