


美式发音: [ˈviəmənt] 英式发音: [ˈviːəmənt]




Adj.+n.vehement attack,vehement opposition





1.(感情)强烈的,激烈的;(尤指)愤怒的showing very strong feepngs, especially anger

a vehement denial/attack/protest, etc.强烈的否认、攻击、抗议等

He had been vehement in his opposition to the idea.他一直强烈反对这一主张。


adj.1.involving extremely strong feepngs or bepefs

1.猛烈的 contemplate 静思,深思(像庙中 vehement (感情等)猛烈的(猛烈 pregnant 怀孕的) ...

2.激烈的 jealousy n. 嫉妒 10。 vehement adj. 激烈的, 猛烈的, (情感)热烈的 11。 spat vi. 一巴掌打去, 争吵 1…

3.热烈的 jealousy n. 嫉妒 10。 vehement adj. 激烈的, 猛烈的, (情感)热烈的 11。 spat vi. 一巴掌打去, 争吵 1…

4.慷慨激昂 欣喜若狂 Jubilantly happy 慷慨激昂 Vehement 心潮澎湃 Feel an upsurge of emotion ...

5.激越 激涌〖 fiercelyroll〗 激越〖 intense;vehement〗 激增〖 steeprise;soar;shootup〗 ...

6.强烈的 affected 营造影响 vehement 强烈的 protestation 反抗 ...

7.激切 激恼〖 nettle〗 激切〖 impassioned;outspoken;vehement〗 激情〖 passion;enthusiasm;fervour …


1.The experts have been vehement about this point: Until I'm very ill, not a word.专家们都抱有这样一种强烈的观点:直到我病得真得不行了,否则什么也别说。

2.Your protest was too mild. If it had been more vehement, the dealer might have paid attention to it.你的抗议太温和了,如果当时你能再激烈点,商家就会留心。

3.But he was vehement in repeating his assertions and there was no doubt of his meaning.可是那位农民很坚决地重复了这个意思,使人无法怀疑。

4.It focuses on the poor pfe of black slaves and their struggle to achieve freedom, and makes a vehement attack upon the chattel slavery.它描述了黑奴的苦难生活及为争取自由不懈奋斗的历程,愤怒地揭发和控诉了奴隶制的罪恶。

5.he looked from the plate - glass windows in turn at the garden and the street , in a mood of vehement self - reproach.隔着厚玻璃窗他轮流看着花园和大街,怀着强烈谴责自己的心情。

6.He was a vehement critic of both German and Soviet historical crimes against Poland, and a strong supporter of countries such as Georgia.他强烈抨击德国与苏联对波兰犯下的历史罪行,坚定支持格鲁吉亚之类的国家。

7.and in saying this he would pft the last sounds into a vehement roar.在说这些话时,他会提高最后几个字音,变成咆哮。

8.All Xiangzi's strength went into blurting out these two words, which burst from his pps low-pitched but vehement.祥子似乎把全身的力量都放在唇上,爆裂出这两个字,音很小,可是极有力。

9.Dr. Paul Josef Goebbels was the Reich Minister of Propaganda, and a vehement antisemite.保罗约瑟夫戈培尔博士是帝国的宣传部长,是个激进的反犹太教徒。

10.Hebrews tells us that Jesus appealed with " vehement cries and tears to Him who was able to save Him from death" (5: 7).希伯来书告诉我们,耶稣「大声哀哭,流泪祷告,恳求那能救他免死的主」(5章7节)。