


美式发音: [ˈvenəməs] 英式发音: ['venəməs]




Adj.+n.venomous snake,venomous attack





1.分泌毒液的;有毒的producing venom

2.恶毒的;恶意的;充满仇恨的full of bitter feepng or hatred

a venomous look恶狠狠的样子


adj.1.capable of producing poison2.extremely unpleasant and full of very strong anger or hate

1.有毒的 5. Tame 温顺的 6. Venomous 有毒的 7. Agile 敏捷的 ...

2.分泌毒液的 venom,n. 毒液;恶意;怨恨 venomous,adj. 有毒的;分泌毒液的 anti-venom,n. 抗毒 ...

3.刻毒 括 kuò [venomous;cruel] 刻毒;毒辣 [parenthese;curve] 小括号 ...

4.狠毒 ... ◎ 狠巴巴[ vicious] ◎ 狠毒[ vicious;venomous] ◎ 狠命[ try one's utmost] ...

5.毒液魔 1620,NOXIOUS, 废气魔, 1621,VENOMOUS, 毒液魔, 1627,ANOPHELES, 疟蚊, ...

6.恶毒的 venomed 恶毒的 venomous 恶毒的 venomously 狠毒地 ...

7.恶意的 ... martyrdom n.殉难;牺牲 六级词汇 venomous a.有毒的;恶意的 六级词汇 turner n.车工 六级 …

8.有毒腺的 ... ambush:n. 埋伏以待 venomous:adj. 有毒的, 分泌毒液的, 有毒腺的, serpent:n. 大 …


1.The farmer's wife rushed to see what was caught. In the darkness, she did not see it was a venomous snake whose tail the trap had caught.农夫的妻子冲过去看到底逮住了什么东西,黑暗中,她并没有看到是一条毒蛇的尾巴被夹在了捕鼠器上。

2.It may come as a bit of a shock, but the UK is home to a number of spiders that can pack a venomous bite.或许你会有点觉得惊吓,不过确实很多生活在英国的蜘蛛能给人致命一吻。

3.Surely, after years of venomous pabulum from his "Green Book" , they would have learned to think as he did.的确,多年汲取“绿皮书”中充满恶意与怨恨的精神食粮,他们本应该学会像他那样思考。

4.If I happened to come to work with a book under my arm this boss of ours would notice it, and if it were a good book it made him venomous.假如我来上班时胳膊底下夹着一本书,我们这位老板准会看见,若是本好书他便会怨恨我。

5.Any of the hollow or grooved teeth of a venomous snake with which it injects its poison.蛇的毒牙:毒蛇的中空或带钩的且常伸出喷射毒液的牙。

6.Had not the creatures been venomous or been kissed by the witch, they would have been changed into red roses.如果这几只动物不是有毒的话,如果它们没有被这巫婆吻过的话,它们就会变成几朵红色的玫瑰。

7.It seemed as if she would never stop pouring out the stream of venomous and biting words, but the scholar was too far away to hear them.老妇人似乎还有许多刻毒的锐利的话,可是秀才走远开听不见了。

8.The stinging hairs, or suckers, of these brightly colored, fleshy caterpillars contain mildly venomous toxins used for defense purposes.这种肥嘟嘟的毛虫身上颜色艳丽的毛发,或称为吸管中含有轻度毒性的毒素,以此御敌。

9.I stared back at him with my hard, venomous eyes, covering my sheet up.我用我冷酷的怨恨的眼神看着他,把我的卷子盖了起来。

10.It kills small vertebrates, including venomous snakes, by crushing with its jaws and the weight of its coils, but is not a constrictor.以小型脊椎动物(包括毒蛇)为食。取食方法为用上下颚咬死或将身体盘起来压死猎物,而不靠身体的缢缩。