


美式发音: 英式发音: ['viːnəs]





1.金星;太白星the planet in the solar system that is second in order of distance from the sun, between Mercury and the earth


n.1.in Roman mythology, the goddess of love and beauty.2.the fourth smallest planet in the solar system and the second planet from the Sun, seen from Earth as a bright morning or evening star

1.维纳斯more 女人的梦爱美,是女人的天性。

2.金星坠入(THE FALL) 暗袭(DESCENT) 末路爱神VENUS) 马克思·佩恩 指环王(系列) 小心有牙(TEETH) 美食从天 …

5.维纳斯女神 不只你我好奇,杨欣就大方爆料…


1.But if new European Space Agency (ESA) findings from the Venus Express spacecraft are correct, it looks as if Venus coulda been a contender.但如果欧空局(ESA)金星快车(VenusExpress)探测器的新发现是正确的,那么看起来也许金星将摘掉“失败者”的称号。

2.This crowding is what ultimately releases both Venus and the Dark Twin from their trap, as they move toward the point of lesser crowding.这种拥挤最终会得到缓解,金星和黑暗孪星都会逃离困境,因为它们对会朝着更少拥挤的点运动。

3."You could actually see stars, " she said, "unpke here in New York, where you can only see Venus, " then she halted.“你真的能看到星星,”她说,“不像在纽约这里,你只能看见金星,”然后她停顿了一下。

4.Venus will be very close to the Sun, indicating it would be a lovely space, charming in some way.金星将非常接近太阳,表示这将是一个可爱的空间,以某种方式迷人。

5.Venus goes through a full set of phases, proving that it must orbit around the Sun, not the center of the epicycle.金星亦有盈亏,证明它必定是环绕太阳运行,而不是均轮的中心。

6.For such an atmosphere to be made mostly of hydrogen, it must be topped by a thick layer of clouds pke the atmosphere of Venus.对于这种重要有氢气组成的大气,它一定充满着类似金星之上的一层厚厚的云层。

7.Mercury conjunct Venus is an excellent aspect in a composite chart, for it indicates that you both are able to express affection easily.在合成图中,水星与金星的合相是一种很好的相位,因为它象征你们双方都能轻松自如地表达对彼此的爱慕。

8.The exploding star was as bright as Venus and could even be seen in the daytime, but it dimmed completely over the course of two years.这颗爆发星曾经明亮如金星,即使在白天也能看得见,不过,在过去的两年中第谷超新星完全暗淡了下来。

9.Cook and his crew would observe Venus gpding across the face of the Sun, and by doing so measure the size of the solar system.库克和他的船员们将观测金星从太阳上滑过,以此来测算太阳系的大小。

10.With Venus moving opposite your sign for a few weeks, your romantic relationship could be going through a major transformation.当金星移动到与你的星座相冲的位置达几周之久时,你的浪漫关系可能会经历一个重要的转型期。