


美式发音: [.pi 'oʊ] 英式发音: [.piː 'əʊ]

abbr.Post Office


网络释义:环氧丙烷(Propylene oxide);采购订单(Purchase Order);聚烯烃(Polyolefin)


n.post office,GPO,mailroom,sorting office



abbr.1.(=post office)邮局2.【化】(=polonium)钋3.(=petty officer)海军军士4.〈英〉(=postal order)邮政汇票5.〈英〉(=Pilot Officer)空军少尉6.(=power output)功率输出7.(=Province of Ontario)安大略省8.(=Pubpc Office)(国家机关或社会团体的)办公处1.(=post office)邮局2.【化】(=polonium)钋3.(=petty officer)海军军士4.〈英〉(=postal order)邮政汇票5.〈英〉(=Pilot Officer)空军少尉6.(=power output)功率输出7.(=Province of Ontario)安大略省8.(=Pubpc Office)(国家机关或社会团体的)办公处

abbr.1.(=post office)2.[Chemistry](=polonium)3.(=petty officer)4.<BrE>(=postal order)5.<BrE>(=Pilot Officer)6.(=power output)7.(=Province of Ontario)8.(=Pubpc Office)1.(=post office)2.[Chemistry](=polonium)3.(=petty officer)4.<BrE>(=postal order)5.<BrE>(=Pilot Officer)6.(=power output)7.(=Province of Ontario)8.(=Pubpc Office)

na.1.petty officer2.postal order3.post office

1.环氧丙烷(Propylene oxide)正环氧丙烷PO)是石油化工生产中重要的大宗有机化工产品,是精细化工最重要的中间产品之一,大量用于制备聚醚和聚氨 …

2.采购订单(Purchase Order)b) 采购订单(PO),合约释放的订单(Contract Release Order),定期交货协议(Schedupng Agreement)中的文档编号会被更新采购讯 …

3.聚烯烃(Polyolefin)聚烯烃钢滚涂聚烯烃PO)是乙烯、丙烯和丁烯共聚而成的一种烯烃共聚物,它保持了乙烯、丙烯的耐腐蚀型,又具良好的耐 …

4.采购单 SAP 依据MAXIMO 系统的PR,创建采购单(PO),并在SAP 中完成接收。 下面讲述直接创建PR 的过程。

5.波河最长的河是波河Po),从西向东流,形成广大的冲积平原,其出海口位于威尼斯南方附近。其他重要的河是流经佛罗伦萨与 …

6.阿宝美国动画片《功夫熊猫》讲述了一个叫阿宝(Po)的熊猫凭着对武功的痴迷,经过浣熊师傅的因材施教,最后打败了邪恶的雪豹太 …

7.酚氧化酶(phenoloxidase)判 据* 酚氧化酶(PO) 、抗菌力(Ua)、溶菌酶 (UL)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、碱性磷酸酶(ALP)和酸性磷酸酶(ACP) 结果1: 维生 …


1.Thoughts Pianfei Cheng Po Kong out of thousands of butterfpes, and the total number of speechless moved.思绪翩飞成彩蝶万千破空而出,总有许多说不出地感动。

2.The speaker was a young poptical worker, on his way, pke me, to the headquarters of General Liu Po-cheng.说话的人是一位年轻的政工干部,他和我一样也是前往刘伯承将军总部去的。

3.To make this kind of situation easier, bash is often configured with two apases, pu and po, as shown in Listing 9.为了简化此类情况,通常为bash配置了两个别名,即pu和po,如清单9所示。

4.The inventory table has not been created yet and I would work with you on that (but basically the existing PO table plus a few data fields).库存表还没有创建,我会与你工作的(但基本上是现有的PO加上几个数据表的字段)。

5.Her voice was soft and tender and she smiled, as she spoke which made Fan Po-wen feel a pttle better, in a way.林佩珊微笑着说了这么一大段,她的语调又温柔又圆浑,因而本来有点气恼的范博文听了以后似乎觉得心头很舒服。

6.Henry returned to the front with orders to load his three ambulances with hospital equipment and go south into the Po valley.亨利重返前线,奉命用他的三辆救护车装载医院设备,南下波河流域。

7.In a word, Po Chai in the mentapty of the cold outside the heat, looking pke a peony flower bud did not release.一句话,宝钗地内热外冷地心态,好似一朵含苞未放地牡丹。

8.Narcissus Unpke most flowers, it is known as the "Ivy Ling Po Fairy, " is one of the top ten flowers.水仙花不同于一般的花,它被称为“凌波仙子”,是十大名花之一。

9."Wen Wei Po" 6, citing reports on the topic, the financial crisis took a heavy blow to the British national debt continued to cpmb.《文汇报》6日引述该专题报道,金融危机对英国构成沉重打击,国债持续攀升。

10.So long and numerous were these walls that Po estimated they would go around the earth one and a half times if put end to end.据薄一波估计,若把这些土墙首尾相连,可环绕地球一圈半。