


美式发音: [vɜrdʒ] 英式发音: [vɜː(r)dʒ]




复数:verges  现在分词:verging  过去式:verged  同义词


v.border on,come close to,near,be close to,move



1.(路边的)小草地,绿地a piece of grass at the edge of a path, road, etc.

a grass verge长了草的路边


He was on the verge of tears.他差点儿哭了出来。

They are on the verge of signing a new contract.他们即将签订一份新的合同。

on/to the verge of sth/of doing sth濒于;接近于;行将very near to the moment when sb does sth or sth happens

He was on the verge of tears.他差点儿哭了出来。

They are on the verge of signing a new contract.他们即将签订一份新的合同。




n.1.a border along the side of a road, often covered with grass

1.边缘 ) anguish 痛苦,苦恼 ) verge 边缘 ) ecstasy 入迷 ...

2.边界 veranda n. 走廊;阳台 verge n. 边缘;边界 verify v. 证实;证明 ...

3.界限 verbal 文字的,口头的 verge 边缘,界限 verification 检验 ...

4.濒临 defect n. 过失;缺点;不足 143 ▲ verge n. 边,边缘 v.濒临 【用】 ~ assure vt. 使确信,使放心 ...

5.边,边缘 verdict n 裁定;定论 判断性意见 verge n 边边缘 on the –of 接近于 濒于 ...

6.接近 :margin: 页边空白 :verge: 接近 :fringe: 意思可以是条纹 ...

7.路肩 第4.1.21条 路缘带 marginal strip 第4.1.22条 路肩 shoulder;verge 第4.1.23条 硬路肩 hard shoulder ...

8.处于……边缘 ... 12. stall 停滞 13. verge 处于……边缘 14. verging on recession 正处于衰退的边缘 ...


1.When he took over as President of Russia in 2000, he found a coutry on the verge of becoming a failed state.2000年,普京就任俄罗斯总统,他发现这个国家正濒临衰败。

2.While Apple did make Macs, the company had been losing sales for years and was commonly considered to be on the verge of extinction.尽管苹果开始生产Mac,但是那时候苹果公司的销售额逐年减少,而且被普遍认为处于濒临破产的边缘。

3.On the verge of the new semester, both universities and incoming freshmen are trying to make independence the priority.新学期伊始,各大高校和大一新生们都试图将自力更生放在首位。

4.Manchester City left-back Wayne Bridge is on the verge of signing with West Ham United after it was revealed he was in London for a medical.据悉,曼城左后卫韦恩.布里奇在伦敦接受了西汉姆联队的体检,他很快将与该队签约。

5.On top of all that, most countries on the verge of a major miptary assault do not broadcast their battle plans to the world.最重要的是,大多数国家在即将发动重大军事攻击前是不会向全世界宣告他们的作战计划的。

6.I was brought up in an Itapan immigrant family with a work ethic that teetered on the verge of slave labour.我在一个意大利移民家庭长大,而家里的职业道德近乎是要像奴隶一样去劳作。

7.However, Baggio could now be on the verge of a sensational return with the Old Lady prepared to offer him the Vice-President role.然而,巴乔接近回归尤文是轰动性的,老妇人准备给他提供他副主席角色。

8.With the league on the verge of missing games, Santa Stern should at least have the heart to give us five national games.联盟处在停摆的边缘,斯特恩一定想要在这天为我们献上至少5场的全美比赛。

9.I decided to remove myself from my computer and the imppcation that I might be on the verge of a good idea.我决定让自己远离电脑,不再让自己被“下一刻我就会有好想法”的想法牵绊。

10.In those days even the mention of her husband's name brought her to the verge of tears.在那些日子里,只要一提起她丈夫的名字,她就伤心痛苦。