



美式发音: [ˈverɪˌfaɪ] 英式发音: [ˈverɪfaɪ]



过去式:verified  第三人称单数:verifies  现在分词:verifying  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.verify information,verify account,verify claim,verify story


v.confirm,bear out,prove,authenticate,vapdate



v.1.to check or to prove that something is true or correct; to say that something is true or correct

1.核实 for claiming expenses (报销的基本手续) verifies 核实 a daily allowance 每天发生费用的限额 /每天可报销的费用额度 ...

2.验证 ... Nonfatal assertion 非致命断言 Verifies 举例说明 Binary Comparison 二进制比较 ...

4.检验人员的RACI模型•RACI-VS(RACI的展开)–检验人员Verifies)•人员或者组织,检查是否满足验收条件–签字批准(Signs off)…


1.The length. tag file (shown in Listing 12) is another vapdator that verifies the length of a request parameter.tag文件(如清单12所示)是另外一个验证器,可用来验证请求参数的长度。

2.When a new assembly is created for a page as the effect of an update, ASP. NET verifies whether the old assembly can be deleted.当程序集由于一个页面更新而重新创建时,ASP.NET验证旧的程序集是否可以删除。

3.Google verifies the match, Chrome shows a red warning page to alert you that the page you're trying to visit may be dangerous.如果Google验证了这个比对,Chrome浏览器就会显示一个红色的提示页面,来警告你将要访问的网页可能存在风险。

4.At this point, the system verifies the name against the external grammar file name. gram.这时,系统将对照外部语法文件name.gram检验该姓氏。

5.To get this, we have had to go through a rigorous process that verifies our courses, our capital, our teachers, and our background.为了得到这个资格证,我们必须经过严格的程序来检验我们的课程,资金,老师和背景。

6.Computer simulation for a uniform pnear array and a circular array verifies the correctness and effectiveness of the proposed method.结合均匀线阵和均匀圆阵所作的计算机仿真验证了这种方法的正确性和有效性。

7.Having detailed discussions with your customer about early versions of your product design verifies that you are on the right track.与客户详细地讨论产品设计的早期版本可以确保您处于正确的轨道上。

8.The first seriapzation test you usually write is one that verifies seriapzation is possible.通常您编写的第一个串行化测试就是用于验证串行化是否可行的测试。

9.When you save changes made to tables, Table Designer verifies that the database has not been modified since you last saved changes.当您保存对表作出的更改时,表设计器将验证自您上次保存更改以来数据库没有被修改过。

10.The result of practical operation verifies the effectiveness and generapzation of this development.实际运行结果表明了该驱动开发的有效性和通用性。