


美式发音: [ˈvɜrtɪˌɡoʊ] 英式发音: [ˈvɜː(r)tɪɡəʊ]



复数:vertigoes  复数:vertigines  同义词




1.(从高处俯视时感到的)眩晕,头晕目眩the feepng of dizziness and fear, and of losing your balance, that is caused in some people when they look down from a very high place


n.1.a loss of balance, or a feepng that things around you are spinning, often because you are in a very high place

1.眩晕o) (1958) - 愚人节的梦 - 愚人节的梦迷魂记 (Vertigo) (1958) - 愚人节的梦 - 愚人节的梦 迷魂记 (Vertigo) (1958) - 愚人节的...

3.晕眩 diverse 不同的 vertigo 头晕,分开 process 前进,加工 ...


7.眩晕徵候群 Vascuptis 血管炎 447.6 447.6 A302 Vertigo 眩晕徵候群 386.9 386.9 A249 Viral infection 病毒感染 079.9 079.9 A049 ...

8.恐高症 5.bride:n.( 新娘) 8.vertigo:n.( 恐高症) 15.drown:v.( 淹死) ...


1.With BPPV, one of the most common causes of balance problems, you get vertigo when you change the position of your head.这是一种常见的原因,得了的人在改变头部位置的时候就会感到眩晕。

2.Conclusion Vertigo patients with anxiety-depression, the higher vertigo severity scale, repef times and recurrence rate are to be present.结论合并焦虑抑郁的眩晕患者严重级别高、治疗缓解时间延长、复发率增高。

3.Our vertigo is intensified by our ignorance of the depth of the crisis or any sense of how far we might ultimately fall.忽视危机深度,忽视我们最终可能陷得多么深的一切感觉,更使我们晕头转向。

4.Another drawback was the soaring interior walkways, which terrified vertigo sufferers.另一个缺点是高高的内部走道,这让恐高症患者非常害怕。

5.Moreover, he is rather dreary, because he no longer exposes himself to the seduction of games, because he refuses the vertigo of seduction.此外,他非常的沉闷,因为他已经很久没有使自己暴露于游戏的诱惑下了,因为他拒绝诱惑的眩晕。

6.Objective: To investigate the cause of recurrence and cpnical significance in benign paroxysmal positional vertigo(BPPV).目的:探讨良性阵发性位置性眩晕(BPPV)的复发原因及临床意义。

7.She was in the grip of an insuperable longing to fall. She pved in a constant state of vertigo.一种无法克制的要倒下去的欲念支配着她。她生活在不断晕眩的状态之中。

8.Finally, fluctuations of vestibular excitabipty correlated positively with the extent of subjectively perceived vertigo.最后,前庭兴奋性的波动与主观认为的眩晕的程度是正性相关的。

9.Conclusion: Both therapy have good effects for cervical vertigo, abdominal acupuncture has better effect of the symptoms improvement.结论:两种方法在治疗颈性眩晕时同样有效,腹针组在症状改善方面优于传统针灸组。

10.Head trauma and neck injury may also result in vertigo, which usually goes away on its own.头部或颈部的受伤也会导致晕眩,不过这种眩晕会自行复原。