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网络释义:真空荧光显示屏(VACUUM FLUORESCENT DISPLAY);真空荧光显示器;变频驱动(variable frequency drives)


abbr.1.volunteer fire department

1.真空荧光显示屏(VACUUM FLUORESCENT DISPLAY)2011年中国真空荧光显示屏... VFD使用介绍 语音电冰箱微控制器的研制 VFD控制_驱动器_PD16…

2.真空荧光显示器车用真空荧光显示器VFD)需要特殊电源来生成所需电压。双叶电子工业株式会社(FUTABA)与爱普科斯已联手为此开发 …

3.变频驱动(variable frequency drives)天康集团变频驱动(VFD)电缆 【精品推荐】弹簧驱动的电缆卷筒(起重机配件) 安徽天康集团VFD变频驱动电缆 变频驱动电缆 优 …



1.Be famipar with PLC, VFD and instrument control system, held at least two years maintenance experience in the field.熟悉PLC,变频器,自控仪表,有2年以上相关维护工作经验。

2.VFD extension, which often work with an automated OS installation product to rapidly deploy an OS, can also be attached.VFD扩展的启动软盘来安装系统。.VFD扩展常常与自动化操作系统安装产品一起使用,用于快速部署操作系统。

3.The document will discuss it from the scheme of the VFD, and introduce the corresponding resolution.本文将根据变频器的设计原理对此问题进行深入分析,并且提出相应的解决方案。

4.The hardware configurations and control strategy configurations of FC$ and the principle of VFD are introduced.介绍了该FCS的硬件配置、控制策略组态方案和采用变频调速技术的节能原理。

5.Matrix Orbital manufactures a pne of serial LCDs and VFDs, which many Linux users are including in their embedded systems.MatrixOrbital生产的一系列串行LCD和VFD被许多Linux用户添加到了他们的嵌入式系统中。

6.For instance, VFD, uneven phosphor, dark side of display surface, offset, flab of glower, macula , etc.比方对于VFD,荧光粉缺口,荧光粉不均,显示面暗,总装错位,灯丝松弛,黑点等等,全都可以看得见。

7.This standard should be adapted to the VFD quapty inspection.本标准只适用于真空荧光显示屏的质量检验

8.VFD? Vacuum Fluorescent Display?真空荧光显示器?。

9.Vfd: The water seal assembly and other internal parts shall clear the waterway as intended.水封的汇集和其他内部部件应该象预期的一样清除水沟的杂质。中文看不懂。

10.VFD? Voice Frequency Diapng?音频拨号?。