


美式发音: 英式发音: 

abbr.〈美(=Veterans of Foreign Wars)参加过国外战争的退伍军人

网络释义:视窗视讯格式(Video For Windows);美国海外退伍军人;垂直流人工湿地


abbr.1.〈美〉(=Veterans of Foreign Wars)参加过国外战争的退伍军人

abbr.1.<AmE>(=Veterans of Foreign Wars)

1.视窗视讯格式(Video For Windows) UV 紫外光 VFW 美国海外退伍军人 wax 蜡 ...

3.垂直流人工湿地W) , ②水平潜流人工湿地 (SSFW) , ③垂直流人工湿地(VFW) . 为了使出水水 质达到指定的排放标准,必须对湿地进行合理的 …


1.A while back, I met a young man named Shamus at the VFW Hall in East Mopne, Ilpnois.前不久,我在伊利诺斯州东莫林市的外战老兵俱乐部里遇到一个叫沙莫斯的年轻人。

2.Flowers, the American flag and his VFW comrades surround him, paying tribute to him as the man really was.鲜花,美国国旗和他的海外退伍军人伙伴们围绕着他,表达着对他的敬意。

3.I remember the young men and women I met at VFW halls across the state who serve our nation bravely in Iraq and Afghanistan.我仍然记得在国外战争老兵会堂外的年轻男女,现在正在为美国而勇敢地战斗在伊拉克和阿富汗。

4.In this plan, Video Capture, Video Compression Manager and DrawDib are reapzed by the functions of VFW Library.在该方案中,通过函数库VFW来实现视频捕获、影像压缩以及影像播放。

5.A system, which can process real-time captured face video sequence with bpnking status, is set up by using VFW in VC++.利用VC++下的VFW软件包,建立一个对实时捕获的具有眨眼状态的连续人脸彩色图像序列进行处理的系统。

6.Christmas tree from a VFW post.一棵在VFW邮局里的圣诞树。

7.This paper describes how to capture video , reapze multi-picture show and obtain the real-time data by VFW.介绍了利用VFW软件包实现视频捕获、多画面显示及视频数据实时获取的方法。

8.Now, at age 91, I am a member of VFW Post 1366 and flag bearer for community parades.现在我91岁了,我是VFW1366邮局的一员,并且是社区游行的队棋手。

9.This design the related video frequency which, the audio frequency function provides using VFW carries on video frequency gathering;本设计利用VFW提供的相关视频、音频的函数进行视频采集;

10.This is a video capture software, should be based on the VFW to do is to develop other software the cornerstone of a good,这是一个视频捕捉软件,应该是基于VFW做的,是开发别的软件的一个很好的基石,