


网络释义:肿瘤抑制基因;希佩尔林道(Von Hippel-Lindau);逢希伯-林道症候群


1.肿瘤抑制基因 ... 淋巴血管平滑肌肉增生症 LAM 逢希伯-林道症候群 VHL 神经纤维瘤症候群第二型 Neurofibromatosis Typ…


1.The main gene involved, the tumour suppressor VHL, is mutated in eight out of 10 patients, but is not the whole picture.主要涉及的基因是肿瘤抑制基因VHL,十有八九的病人的VHL会产生变异,但并不是全部。

2.These tumours are often multicentric or bilateral, and manifest at a younger age than in situations without a VHL germpne mutation.这些肿瘤往往是多发性或双边,并体现在年轻的时候相比,情况没有VHL胚系突变。

3.CNS hemangioblastoma is one of the most common manifestations of VHL disease.中枢神经系统血管母细胞瘤是VHL病最常见的表现。

4.Von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) disease is an autosomal, dominantly inherited, tumour syndrome.希佩尔一林道(VHL)病是一种常染色体,显性遗传,肿瘤综合征。

5.Conclusion The VHL gene may frequently mutate in Chinese patients with primary sporadic renal clear cell carcinoma.结论国人原发性散发性肾透明细胞癌中存在VHL基因的突变。

6.VHL gene expression and its prognostic value in clear cell renal cell carcinomaVHL基因在肾透明细胞癌中的表达及其预后价值

7.The mutation and abnormal methylation of VHL tumor-suppressor gene in primary renal cell carcinoma肾细胞癌VHL基因突变及异常甲基化的临床评价

8.Loss of Heterozygosity of Microsatelpte Markers for VHL Gene in Sporadic Endolymphatic Sac tumors散发内淋巴囊瘤VHL基因位点微卫星标志杂合性丢失的研究