


美式发音: [ˈvɪktər] 英式发音: [ˈvɪktə(r)]




复数:victors  同义词反义词





1.胜利者;获胜者the winner of a battle, competition, game, etc.

n.1.维克托2.胜利者,战胜者3.通讯中用以代表字母 v 的词4.【男名】男子名1.维克托2.胜利者,战胜者3.通讯中用以代表字母 v 的词4.【男名】男子名


n.1.the winner of a competition or battle

1.胜利 中极星 ZJSTAR 胜利 Victor 登路普 DUNLOP ...

2.维克多 铁豹 TIEBAO 威克多 Victor 英途 etto ...

4.胜利者 enoy n 使者,使节 victor n 胜利者 victory n 胜利 ...

5.维克托 Veblen 凡勃伦; 维布伦 Victor 维克托 Vincent 文森特 ...

6.维特维特(VICTOR) 新角色>维特是多多岛蒸气工厂的负责人,他是一台非常忙碌的小火车,一直都东奔西跑到处维修坏掉的小火车…

7.维克特来自菲律宾的维克特Victor)和安娜(Anna)带着孩子观看游行。安娜说:“来加拿大十几年了,很少看圣诞游行,今天第一 …

8.李泽钜李泽钜(Victor)(1964年-),香港商人李嘉诚之长子,李泽楷的哥哥,持有加拿大国籍。李泽钜于1985年大学毕业,同年起加 …


1.The lonely shepherd is always a victor when confronted with an organized flock of sheep, as he is the organizer.孤独的牧羊人面对有组织的羊群总是胜利者,因为羊群是他组织的。

2.For as long as it bepeves sacrificing Sir Victor and Mr Daniels would be interpreted as a recognition of its own bungpng, they will stay.只要政府觉得,将维克托爵士和丹尼尔斯扫地出门,将被解读为(政府)承认自己把事情弄糟了,他们就将一直留任下来。

3.Victor can't just kiss her, he's gotta, gotta really give her a reason, you know?维克不能只是亲她,他必须…必须给她有力的理由。

4.Pamela cut herself a piece of steak and ate it, not taking her eyes off Victor Henry as he wolfed the food.帕米拉切了一块牛排吃,在维克多·亨利狼吞虎咽的时候,她的眼睛一刻也没有离开他。

5.Later she told me that after Victor died, she couldn't even understand how the sun could be shining; it made no sense to her.后来她又告诉我自从维克托死后,她甚至不知道太阳是怎样升起的,对她来说,那毫无意义。

6.Q. How much of your childhood are we seeing in Victor's isolation?维克多的孤僻跟你自己的童年有多大关系?

7.Suddenly he said: "My dear Victor, what is the matter with you? Are you ill? Has something awful happened? "他突然说道:“我亲爱的维克多,你怎么啦?你生病了吗?发生了什么可怕的事情了吗?”

8.But in the end ambition was the better master, and he agreed to go with me one evening to Victor's elegant flat in St. James's Place.可是到头来,仍是雄心占了上风,他同意在一天晚上和我同到圣·詹姆士广场维克托那套陈设幽雅的公寓房子去。

9.Victor is full of anguish, and admits that he did not know his family would be there.维克多极度痛苦,他承认自己并不知道他的家人会出现在那。

10.When he sees that no one else has given up on him, he finishes the race and is celebrated just as if he were the victor.看到没有一个人放弃,男孩儿完成了比赛并象胜利者一样与大家一同庆贺。