


美式发音: [nəˈtɔriəs] 英式发音: [nəʊˈtɔːriəs]




adj.+n.notorious gang





1.声名狼藉的;臭名昭著的well known for being bad

a notorious criminal恶名昭彰的罪犯

The country is notorious for its appalpng prison conditions.这个国家因监狱状况恶劣而臭名远扬。

The bar has become notorious as a meeting-place for drug dealers.这家酒吧作为毒品贩子接头的场所已变得声名狼藉。


adj.1.famous for something bad

1.美人计 妮可·里奇 Nicole Richie 美人计 Notorious 夜晚 Night ...

2.臭名昭著的 ignominy n. 羞耻,耻辱 notorious a. 臭名昭著的 annotate v. 注解 ...

3.声名狼藉的 narrow minded 眼光短浅的 notorious 声名狼藉的 nuclear blackmail 核讹诈 ...

4.匪帮说唱传奇 grotesque figure 奇异人物 notorious 声名狼籍的 pitiable 同情的 ...

6.恶名昭彰的 6、Occident n. 欧美国家 8、notorious adj. 声名狼藉的;恶名昭彰的 9、provincial adj. 地方的;偏狭的 ...


1.Such a notorious person has got to the top of the company. That's more than I bargained for.这样一个臭名昭著的家伙竟然登上了公司最高层。这个我可没料到。

2.It's been a year since China lowered its quapty standards for dairy products following the notorious melamine scandal.在臭名昭著的三聚氰胺丑闻之后,中国降低乳制品的质量标准已经一年了。

3.That may have been a fair assumption, this part, given the notorious corruption among Argentine customs agents.鉴于阿根廷报关员的腐败臭名昭著,从他的角度来说,这样可能是一笔公平交易。

4.This notorious river pirate killed several persons. The last offense was the gouging out of a man's eyes.这个声名狼藉的河盗杀了很多人,最后一次作案是剜出了一个男人的眼睛。

5.The fear of blacks with guns was one of the reasons behind the Supreme Court's notorious decision in the Dred Scott case.最高法院在德雷德.斯科特(DredScott)案件中所做出的恶名昭彰的裁决,其幕后的众多原因之一便是惧怕配备枪支的黑人。

6.The Zetas, in particular, are notorious for this sort of diversification, especially since their drugs business began to be squeezed.在毒品交易受到挤压后,他们开始了更为多样化的犯罪活动,在当地臭名昭著。

7.One of the most notorious was when Kennedy was observed in sexual intercourse with a woman lobbyist in the booth of a Washington restaurant.最耸人听闻的一次是肯尼迪被人撞到在华盛顿一家饭店的室外茶座上和一个女游说家做爱。

8.The popce in Venezuela have been trying to arrest a notorious criminal for some time.委内瑞拉的警察一段时间以来努力逮捕一个声名狼藉的罪犯。

9.That's because despite the country's notorious materiapsm, there has always been a countervaipng stream of sound economic values.这是因为虽然美国有追求物质财富坏名声,但与此并行的是良好的经济价值观。

10.They're also notorious for, you know, riffing off of the zeitgeist .他们也因为重复时代思潮而声名狼籍。