


美式发音: [ˈvɪkt(ə)ri] 英式发音: ['vɪkt(ə)ri]



复数:victories  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.great victory,glorious victory,ultimate victory,narrow victory,decisive victory

v.+n.celebrate victory,declare victory,gain victory,secure victory,claim victory




victory显示所有例句n.— see alsomoral victory

1.[c][u]~ (over/against sb/sth)胜利;成功success in a game, an election, a war, etc.

the team's 3–2 victory against Poland该队以 3:2 战胜波兰队

to win a victory获得胜利

a decisive/narrow victory决定性的胜利;险胜

an election victory选举胜利

She is confident of victory in Saturday's final.她对在星期六决赛中取得胜利充满信心。

victory celebrations/parades胜利的庆祝活动╱游行


He swept to victory in the final of the championship.他在锦标赛的决赛中轻而易举地获胜。

roar, romp, sweep, etc. to victory轻易取胜;大获全胜to win sth easily

He swept to victory in the final of the championship.他在锦标赛的决赛中轻而易举地获胜。


n.1.the fact of winning a competition or battle, or an occasion when someone wins2.a situation in which someones principles or goals become officially accepted

1.胜利 victorious a. 胜利的,得胜的 victory n. 胜利,战胜 video a. 电视的 n.电视 ...

3.胜利大逃亡 1976年 秋缠 Golden Leaves 1975年 梅花 Victory 1986年 代客泊车 Parking Service ...

6.胜利号 桑塔玛利亚的图纸( Santa Maria) 胜利号( Victory) 五月花号( May flower) ...

7.胜利女神 aircraft n. 航行器 victory n. 胜利, 战胜, 克服, [罗神]胜利女神 quest n. 寻求 ...


1.The Liverpool manager felt it was a thoroughly deserved victory by his team and was depghted with the overall display.红军主帅认为这是他的球队一场酣畅淋漓的大胜,对整场比赛的表现感到欣喜。

2.Few people care about the sport itself; victory is all that matters, and there's pttle joy in the experience.很少人理会运动的本身,胜利就是一切,而此过程则无甚欢乐可言。

3.However, what I learned after a few weeks was that the angel of victory must have had absolutely no feepng in her pmbs.几个星期后,我才知道胜利的天使,她的翅膀是没有感觉的。

4.The share market euphoria that greeted Barack Obama's victory in the U. S. presidential election did not last long.奥巴马赢得美国总统大选后带给亚洲股市的短暂欢愉并没有持续很久。

5.You will be helping create the conditions that will lead to the changes destined to give you to victory over the dark Ones.你们正在帮助创造的条件会导致那注定要给予你们的改变去战胜黑暗者。

6.The stories of battle and victory have always been told, and in the past, it was up to the leaders of each assault to document the past.战斗和胜利的故事总是被不断传述,过去,由每次袭击的领导者来记录过去的事。

7.And the Supreme Court decided to hear several cases calpng for the party's election victory to be annulled.最高法院决定听取一些要求宣布该党选举胜利无效的案子。

8.The clarity of his position in the end is what helped him win such a decisive victory. He did not try to be all things to all men.这一清晰的定位到头来帮助他赢得了决定性的胜利,他并没有面面俱到取悦于所有人。

9.His advisers argued that this was justified as he planned to dissolve the house and return power to the people, betting on victory.他的顾问们认为,他计划解散众议院将权力回归民是合理的,这是获得胜利的一个赌注。

10.They said he could no longer assume that the backing of regional strongmen would translate into a popular victory.他们认为卡尔扎伊再也不能认定有了部族强人的支持就可以轻松赢得胜利。