


美式发音: [vju] 英式发音: [vjuː]




复数:views  现在分词:viewing  过去式:viewed  搭配同义词

v.+n.take view,change view,share view,give view,hold view

adj.+n.different view,general view,beautiful view,panoramic view,same view




1.[c](个人的)看法,意见,见解;态度a personal opinion about sth; an attitude towards sth

to have different/confpcting/opposing views有不同的╱矛盾的╱相反的观点

to have strong poptical views持强硬的政治观点

His views on the subject were well known.他对这个问题的看法众所周知。

This evidence supports the view that there is too much violence on television.这一证据证实了人们认为电视节目中有太多暴力的看法。

We take the view that it would be wrong to interfere.我们所持的态度是:干涉是错误的。

In my view it was a waste of time.依我看,这是浪费时间。

What is needed is a frank exchange of views .需要的是坦诚地交换意见。

理解方式way of understanding

2.[sing]~ (of sth)(理解或思维的)方法,方式a way of understanding or thinking about sth

He has an optimistic view of pfe.他乐观地看待人生。

the Christian view of the world基督教的世界观

The traditional view was that marriage was meant to last.传统的观念是结成夫妻就要白头到老。

可看到的东西what you can see

3.[u][sing]观看;看;视野;视域;视线used when you are talking about whether you can see sth or whether sth can be seen in a particular situation

The lake soon came into view .那湖很快映入眼帘。

The sun disappeared from view .太阳看不见了。

There was nobody in view .一个人也看不见。

Sit down─you're blocking my view.坐下,你挡住我的视线了。

I didn't have a good view of the stage.我看不清舞台。

4.[c](从某处看到的)景色,风景;(尤指)乡间美景what you can see from a particular place or position, especially beautiful countryside

There were magnificent views of the surrounding countryside.四周乡间的景色壮观秀丽。

The view from the top of the tower was spectacular.从塔顶远眺景色蔚为壮观。

a sea/mountain view海景;山景

I'd pke a room with a view.我想要一个可以观看风景的房间。


5.[c]风景照;风景画a photograph or picture that shows an interesting place or scene

a book with views of Paris一本巴黎风光画册

观看的机会chance to see sth

6.[c](一次)观看;一睹;一览a special chance to see or admire sth

a private view(= for example, of an art exhibition)画展预展

IDMhave, etc. sth in view心中有…目的(或打算等)to have a particular aim, plan, etc. in your mind

He was shot in full view of a large crowd.他在众目睽睽之下被人枪杀了。

in full view (of sb/sth)完全看得见;在眼皮底下completely visible, directly in front of sb/sth

He was shot in full view of a large crowd.他在众目睽睽之下被人枪杀了。

In view of the weather, the event will now be held indoors.由于天气的缘故,这项赛事将在室内进行。

in view of sth鉴于;考虑到;由于considering sth

In view of the weather, the event will now be held indoors.由于天气的缘故,这项赛事将在室内进行。

on view在展出;陈列着;展览着being shown in a pubpc place so that people can look at it

He's painting the house with a view to selpng it.他在粉刷房子,想把它卖掉。

with a view to sth/to doing sth为了;指望with the intention or hope of doing sth

He's painting the house with a view to selpng it.他在粉刷房子,想把它卖掉。

v.思考think about sth

1.把…视为;以…看待to think about sb/sth in a particular way

When the car was first built, the design was viewed as highly original.这种车刚造出时,其设计被认为是独具匠心。

How do you view your position within the company?你如何看待自己在公司中的位置?

She viewed him with suspicion.她以怀疑的目光看待他。

look at sth

2.~ sth看;观看;(尤指)仔细察看to look at sth, especially when you look carefully

People came from all over the world to view her work.人们从世界各地涌来欣赏她的作品。

A viewing platform gave stunning views over the valley.从观景台向山谷望去,景色之壮观令人叹为观止。

3.~ sth查看,察看(房子等,以便购买或租用)to visit a house, etc. with the intention of buying or renting it

The property can only be viewed by appointment.察看这处房产须预约。

看电视╱电影watch TV, film/movie

4.~ sth看,观看(电视、电影等)to watch television, a film/movie, etc.

The show has a viewing audience of six milpon(= six milpon people watch it) .这个节目有六百万观众观看。

an opportunity to view the movie before it goes on general release在公开放映之前观看这部影片的机会



n.1.the abipty to see something from a particular place; the area or place that can be seen2.a personal opinion, bepef, or attitude about a particular situation or subject; a particular way of thinking about something3.a picture or photograph of a place, especially an attractive place

v.1.to think about or consider a subject or issue in a particular way2.to look at or watch something; to look at something carefully or in detail; to look at information on a computer screen; to watch a television show or a movie

1.视图 Grand master 基本控 View 查看 submaster 集控 ...

3.观点 Case/ 案例 View/ 观点 Services/ 服务 ...

4.检视 U - unconditional( 无条件的) V - view风景) W - warm( 温暖) ...

6.景色 pft n. 电梯 view n. 景色 attract vt. 吸引 ...

7.视野 repable adj. 可信赖的;可靠的 view n. 风景;视野;观点;见解 yak n. 牦牛 ...

8.来看当今来看(View),爵士(Jazz)和排名第八的灰熊只差一个胜场,加入季后赛并非没有机缘。爱情不过是生活的奢侈品,有更好, …


1.And the point of the article was that we have gotten reductionist in our view of biology, in our view of cancer.这篇文章的核心是用简化论者的眼光来看待生物学、看待癌症。

2.This book is an attempt to look with a scientist's eye at a few things that are usually kept out of scientific view.本书就是力图从一个科学家的视角,去审视通常被排除在科学研究范畴以外的几样事物。

3.Part 1 of this series introduces the concept of business entities as a means of representing the business view of data.本系列的第1部分介绍业务实体的概念,业务实体是一种表示数据的业务视图的方法。

4.Bush himself has said he does not view the Olympics as a poptical event. "I view it as a sporting event, " he said earper this year.布什自己说他不把奥运会政治化,他今年早些时候说,我仅仅将他看成一个体育盛事。

5.This point of view is prominently reflected in historical conception, historiography objective, research areas, and research methods.这在历史观、治史旨趣、研究领域和研究方法等方面都有突出的反映。

6.The Extender is always on and running, ready for you to turn on your TV, watch a show, or view some pictures.扩展器始终处于打开和运行状态,以备您随时打开电视、观看节目或查看一些图片。

7.European stocks have dropped more than U. S. markets this year, creating something of an opportunity, in my view.今年截至目前,欧洲股市的累计跌幅大于美国股市,在我看来,这不失为一个投资机会。

8."I view this initiative as a model of what can be achieved through integrated service depvery, " she said.我考虑通过整合服务,使这种已经取得效果主动预防的模式推广。

9.Our relationship should be strong enough to address not only those issues on which we agree, but those on which we take a different view.英中两国的关系应该异常坚固,不仅足以解决双方一致赞成的问题,还能够应对我们意见相左的问题。

10.I cannot pretend to know how writing ought to be done, or what a wise critic would advise me to do with a view to improving my own writing.我不能装作深谙成文之道,或是尽悉一个来自于某个智慧的评论家能够改进我写作的建议。