




1.八 七 VII VIII 九 IX ...

2.凝血因子和活性增强 1.凝血因子增加和活性增强 大分子量的凝血因子VIII) * 大分子量的凝血因子(I、V、VIII)活性增强 凝血因子 …

3.第八章 Jacques Lacan 雅克、拉康 VIII 第八章 The object and the thing 客体与物象 ...

4.八款⑥《建立世界知识产权组织公约》)第二条第八款viii) “知识产权”包括有关下列项目的权利:……商标、服务标记以及商业 …


6.八象限在第八象限VIII),企业拥有强势品牌战略,但没有海外销售渠道,企业仍选择国内生产。这类企业主要集中于资源加工制造 …


1.Then had come the busy years of Henry VII and Henry VIII when there had been no money for foreign explorations.然后就是亨利七世和亨利八世的多事之秋,国家没钱到外国去冒险。

2.Mumpy had taken elder sister Monica, a Class VIII student, into confidence and had urged her to commit suicide as well for the "cause" .蒙佩还曾悄悄地把她的姐姐——八年级学生莫妮卡拉到一旁,要求姐姐也为这个“计划”一起自杀。

3.VIII. By quoting from a well-known art critic, he tried to add a bit of self-confidence to his talents for painting.他引用一位著名艺术家的话,为自己的绘画才能增加一点自信心。

4.However, at the age of 70 and gravely ill, Gapleo Gaplei was called before Pope Urban VIII and was condemned to be silent.然而,在他70岁时,他病的很严重的时候被罗马教皇处以极刑。

5.The specific powers granted to the Security Council for the discharge of these duties are laid down in Chapters VI, VII, VIII, and XII.为履行此项职务而授予安全理事会之特定权力,于本宪章第六章、第七章、第八章及第十二章内规定之。

6.VIII-When they show shots of any of the angels, they rarely bpnk. I don't know whether you've noticed or not.我不知道大家在看电影的时候有没有注意到一点,那就是在所有天使的镜头里面,演员很少眨眼睛。

7.The new king, Henry VIII, was something of a poet himself.新国王,亨利八世,仍是一个诗人自己。

8.She was fond of Edward VIII but was not in love with him.她当时只是对爱德华八世有好感,但不爱他。

9.After nearly five years of obstinately rejecting King Henry VIII's advances, Anne Boleyn finally allowed him to seduce her.经过将近5年对亨利八世的进一步动作顽强抗拒,安博林最终还是让亨利诱奸了自己。

10.His decision to abandon the throne and the title of Edward VIII was, in her view, made when his mind was absolutely unhinged.以她的观点,他放弃王位和爱德华八世头衔的时候是完全处于精神错乱的状态。