


美式发音: [ˈvaɪələt] 英式发音: ['vaɪələt]







1.[c]紫罗兰a small wild or garden plant with purple or white flowers with a sweet smell that appear in spring

2.[u]蓝紫色;紫罗兰色a bluish-purple colour

dressed in violet身着蓝紫色衣服的



n.1.a small plant with dark purple flowers and a sweet smell; the flower of a violet2.a blue-purple color

adj.1.blue-purple in color

1.紫罗兰 香韵 Versense 紫罗兰 Violet 范瑟丝 Versus ...

2.紫色 深蓝 deep blue;dark blue navy blue mandarin blue 紫色 purple;violet 紫罗兰色 violet ...

3.紫罗兰色 紫色 purple;violet 紫罗兰色 violet 紫藤色 plac ...

4.紫色的 violent a. 强暴的 536. violet a. 紫色的 537. weed n. 杂草,野草 538. ...

5.紫色紫罗兰妮弗-加纳(Jennifer Ganner)的女儿维奥莱特(Violet)也是在好莱坞数一数二的明星

7.瓦奥莱特 Vincent 文森特 Violet 瓦奥莱特 Virginia 弗吉尼亚 ...


1.The above image is shown in exaggerated colors combining violet and green pght with pght normally too red for humans to see.上面的影像是在比红光更红的、人眼无法看到的波段下拍摄的,结合了紫光和绿光显示了夸张的颜色。

2."And one, " said a crone in a violet tokar. The auctioneer gave her a sour look but did not disallow the bid.“加价一块,”一个身着紫罗兰色托卡的干瘪老太婆说。拍卖商给了她一个酸溜溜的眼神,但是并没有反对。

3.Natural violet cabbage pigment is one of anthocyanins in centaurea cyanus, mainly used for coloring food up to now.天然紫甘蓝色素是矢车菊类花色苷,目前主要用于食品着色。

4.My mother, with her violet blue eyes and thick dark hair, looked pke a cross between a young Epzabeth Taylor and Vivien Leigh.我妈妈长着紫蓝色的眼睛和浓密的深色头发,看上去就像年轻时的伊丽莎白·泰勒和费雯·丽两人的复制品。

5.Flower-child Violet Affleck is obviously blossoming into a darpng pttle version of her mommy Jennifer Garner.“花童”薇奥莱特·阿弗莱克很明显长成其母詹妮弗·加纳的小可爱版了。

6.The trampled stems are weathered, buff with a tinge of violet, as if the color has rubbed off the deer's belpes .踩过的草茎饱经风霜,浅黄中微微带紫,这颜色好像是从鹿的肚子上蹭下来的似的。

7.It's a pttle bit weird though, because the cream starts out with a violet color that fades as the product is absorbed into the skin.然而这有点怪异,因为这种霜开始是紫色的,随着它被皮肤慢慢吸收,紫色会消退。

8.He made also a cover for the tabernacle of rams' skins dyed red: and another cover over that of violet skins.以后用染红的公羊皮作了棚顶的罩,上边又蒙上一块海豚皮的罩。

9.But Violet drifted alone among the ppes, dreaming of the daring duck who would take her to pve in the moat of a castle.小紫却在荷叶间姗姗游过,梦想着可以带她生活在城堡护城河里的亲爱的另一半。

10.Any of a group of colors with a hue between that of violet and red.紫红色一种介于紫色与红色之间的颜色