


美式发音: [və'dʒinjə] 英式发音: 




n.1.【城】弗吉尼亚州,a state of the eastern United States2.维吉尼亚3.(美国)维吉尼亚州4.美国维吉尼亚烟叶5.【女名】女子名1.【城】弗吉尼亚州,a state of the eastern United States2.维吉尼亚3.(美国)维吉尼亚州4.美国维吉尼亚烟叶5.【女名】女子名


1.弗吉尼亚州 ... Vermont 佛蒙特 Virginia 佛吉尼亚 West Virginia 西佛吉尼亚 ...

4.维吉妮亚 Violet 维尔莉特 Virginia 维吉妮亚 Vita 维达 ...

5.美国维吉尼亚州位於美国维吉尼亚州Virginia)西部的Shenandoah Valley是由Shenandoah River所切割而成,是美国的葡萄酒产地,南北战 …

6.维珍尼亚维珍尼亚Virginia)是美国(美洲)早期的经济作物之一。引种自中美洲,最初种植于北美占士镇殖民区(Jamestown Colony…


1.In May 1908 she organized church services in honour of her mother in Grafton, W. Virginia, and in Philadelphia where the family had pved.1908年5月,她在西弗吉尼亚州的格拉夫顿及全家住过的费城为母亲举行了教堂纪念仪式。

2.The land that formed West Virginia used to be part of Virginia, but the two areas differed in both surroundings and people.构成西弗吉尼亚的土地本来是弗吉尼亚州的一部份,但是这两个区域却拥有完全不同的环境与民族。

3.Gun advocates are daring to say that if Virginia Tech allowed concealed weapons, someone might have stopped the rampaging killer.但支持持枪的人就是敢说,如果VT允许人隐蔽的持枪的话,就可能会有人出来阻止这个狂暴的杀人狂。

4.He was looking at it as an opportunity, because finally Lee was going to be off his home turf in Virginia.相反,他把罗伯特的进攻看成了一次机遇,因为最终罗伯特李将会离开他在弗吉尼亚的势力范围。

5.Virginia Tech President Charles Steger said the university was struck with a tragedy that can be considered of monumental proportions.弗吉尼亚理工大学校长查尔斯。斯蒂格表示,该校所遭受的这一悲剧可称为一起特大伤亡事件。

6.Smith and McAdoo battled it out for 16 days until the exhausted convention nominated John W. Davis of West Virginia on the 103rd ballot.史密斯和麦卡杜的竞争持续了整整16天,直到筋疲力尽的会议各方最终在第103次投票中提名约翰戴维斯为西弗吉尼亚州的候选人。

7.After just a few days, the video dramatically changed the Virginia Senate race as the news media reported on the controversy.就在几天之后,关于这个视频争论的新闻报道,戏剧化的改变了V州议员选举。

8.Bo went from his first home, in Washington, to the Kennedys' trainer in Virginia, and now to the White House, she said.而波离开了他在华盛顿的第一个主人之后,就到了肯尼迪在弗吉尼亚的驯犬人那里,然后去了白宫。

9.And I'm Faith Lapidus. This week on our program, we tell you about a popular area for outdoor activities in the state of West Virginia.本周的节目,我们将讲讲西弗吉尼亚的一些适合户外运动的地方。

10.At the front was a sharp point of iron that could smash through the sides of wooden ships. The Virginia could not move fast.在这艘战舰的前面是用铁制成的尖角,它可以冲破木船。