



1.The HCO3- molecule thus consumed and lost from the body must be replaced in order to maintain acid-base balance.这样被消耗和损失的HCO3-就必须重新补充以维持酸碱平衡。

2.Thus, when a non-volatile acid is produced, HCO3- is consumed and CO2 is produced and exhaled by the lungs.这样当非挥发性酸产生时,就要消耗HCO3-,产生CO2并由肺脏排出体外。

3.HCO3- is generated by the tubular cells of the kidney via two mechanisms.肾小管细胞通过两种机制产生HCO3-。

4.The results of dynamics affected by different concentration of HCO3- showed that corrosion rate was pne with concentration of HCO3-.不同HCO3-浓度对动力学的影响研究表明,腐蚀速率与HCO3-浓度呈线性变化规律;

5.The kidneys maintain acid-base balance by generating new HCO3-.肾脏通过重新生成新的HCO3-保持酸碱平衡。

6.Many species of marine phytoplankton use HCO3-1 for photosynthesis.许多海洋浮游植物使用碳酸氢盐离子进行光合作用。

7.It is more accurate to obtain and use a venous total [HCO3-]measured on a chemistry panel drawn at the same time as the ABG .故更精确的方法是在检测ABG的同时,用另外一种化学仪器检测静脉血中总[HCO3-]。

8.However, most CO2 (and H2O) produced in the tissues is converted into HCO3- and H+ by a carbonic anhydrase-dependent process within RBCs.然而,在组织中产生的大部分的CO2(和H2O)是在红细胞中通过一种碳酸酐酶依赖性的反应过程生成HCO3-和H+。