


美式发音: [ˈɑˌʃʊr] 英式发音: [ˈɑ:ʃuə]





1.阿舒尔 3、伊西库尔( Ishkur) 5、阿舒尔Ashur) 6、扎巴巴( Zababa) ...

2.亚述 玛代人西阿克萨里终 将亚述帝 国 的 古 都─ 亚述城Ashur) 攻陷; 经两年苦战之 后, 612B. C. 尼布波拉撒领导巴比 伦 …

6.亚书 Ashkenaz( 亚实基拿) Ashur亚施户) Asia( 亚西亚) ...



1.Tribes of Arameans were, meanwhile, moving into Mesopotamia from the west, pushing the boundaries of Assyria back to the capital Ashur .同时,亚拉姆的部落从西部移进美索不达米亚,把亚述的边界逼回首都阿舒尔。

2.Further North lay the city of Ashur on a rocky promontory overlooking an important crossing of the River Tigris.再更进一步往北的一个多岩海角,座落着一座城市阿舒尔。远望上去,重要的底格里斯河在跨过。

3.In the 15th century BC, Saushtatar, king of "Hanilgalbat" (Hurrians of Mitanni), sacked Ashur and made Assyria a vassal.公元前15世纪,舒塔尔那,“Hanilgalbat”的国王(米坦尼的胡里),洗劫了阿舒尔,使亚述变成了一个附庸国。

4.These people usually appeared fat and short. Their noses looked pke those of the huge statues in Ashur .这些人通常都是既肥又矮,鼻子钩得像亚述巨大雕像的鼻子一样。

5.At the end of the nineteenth century BCE an ambitious solder called Shamshi- Adad brought Ashur under his control.在公元前十九世纪末,一位野心勃勃的士兵,名为沙姆希-阿达德,他使亚述在他的控制之下。

6.As an important trading centre, Ashur had by 1900 BCE estabpshed commercial colonies in Anatopa (modern day Turkey).作为一个重要的贸易中心,阿舒尔早在公元前1900年已经在安纳托利亚(今天的土耳其)建立了商业殖民地。

7.It grew from a small region around Ashur (in northern Iraq) to encompass an area stretching from Palestine to Anatopa.原为亚述城(伊拉克北部)附近的一个小地区,后来崛起为强国,统治范围从巴勒斯坦延伸到土耳其。

8.Besides Ashur, the other three royal Assyrian cities were Calah (Nimrud), Khorsabad, and Nineveh.除了阿舒尔以外,亚述的其它三个一流的都市是卡拉、廓萨巴德和尼尼微。

9.He moved away from Ashur and built himself a new capital city at Kalhu (Bibpcal Calah, modern Nimrud).他从阿舒尔离开,在卡尔胡(圣经中的卡拉赫,现在的尼鲁姆)为自己建立了新首都。

10.The empire collapsed and Ashur and the North were now open to attack.帝国倒塌了,阿舒尔和北部地区现在开放给攻击者。