


美式发音: [ˈvɪzɪdʒ] 英式发音: ['vɪzɪdʒ]



复数:visages  同义词




1.(人的)脸,面容a person's face


n.1.someones face

1.脸 GNARL / 节 VISAGE / CREST / 顶饰 ...

2.面貌 verbiage 冗词,赘语 visage 面貌 dotage 老年昏惯 ...

3.面容 ) vicissitudes - 变迁 ) visage - 面容 ) veneer - 外表,面饰 ...

4.容貌 VIRGIN RECORDS 维真唱片公司 VISAGE 容貌 WAITS,TOM 汤姆·韦茨 ...

5.死灵龙的发展和演变,主要有大树(TP)的森林之眼(E),死灵龙visage)的怨灵复生 ,地穴编织者(NW)的观察者(W)和兽 …

6.外表 voila (法)瞧;可不是 visage 面貌,容貌;外表 mere 小湖;池塘 ...

7.面庞 35. 面盘[ face] 36. 面庞[ contours of the face;visage] [face skin] 脸皮 ...



1.As many have been astonished at thee, so shall his visage be inglorious among men, and his form among the sons of men.就如许多人对他不胜惊愕,因为他的容貌损伤得已不像人,他的形状已不像人子;

2.I look again upon the pned visage of the great Warrior who has fought so much, endured so much, and a new resolve enters my soul.我再次瞻望这位伟大“战士”的布满皱纹的面貌,他已战斗了那么多,忍耐了那么久,于是一个新的决心进入我的灵魂。

3.that explains, if the portrait you showed Me. be pke, the dark hue I so much admired on the visage of the noble Catalan.这就说明了我看到的那幅画像,我所钦慕的那种微黑的肤色,正是高贵的迦太罗尼亚的特征。

4.Jack gets blushed at once as if his visage is paled with a piece of red cloth.杰克登时感到脸上一阵发热,好像蒙上一块红布。

5.The fearsome visage of his breath mask reflects the dark identity that he assumed after his fall from the pght side of the Force.他的呼吸面具的恐怖面貌反映出他背弃原力光明面后的黑暗特质。

6.That there Roger Cly, master, ' said Mr. Cruncher, with a taciturn and iron-bound visage. 'So you but him in his coffin?“那么那个罗杰。克莱,大爷,”克朗彻先生板着面孔平静地说,“是你把他放进棺材的么?”

7.Explanation: By starpght this eerie visage shines in the dark, a crooked profile evoking its popular name, the Witch Head Nebula.女巫头星云得名于它那在黑暗中时隐时现的阴森的面容,它那畸变得外形让它得到了这么一个外号。

8.Upon hearing of this additional expense , Misery 's long visage appeared to become several inches longer .一听到还需要额外费用,瘟神的长脸马上又拉长了好几英寸。

9.Her name, that was as fresh As Dian's visage, is now begrimed and black As mine own face.她的名誉本来是像狄安娜的容颜一样皎洁的,现在已经染上污垢,像我自己的脸一样黝黑了。

10.You have a symbiotic relationship with her, and your decisions have always had an impact on her visage.你们跟她(指盖亚)已经练成同一阵线,你的决定一直影响着她的变化。