





6.体质 DEX 熟练度 VIT 体质 INT 智力 ...

7.韦洛尔理工大学(Vellore Institute of Technology)印度韦洛尔理工大学VIT)原来隶属于马德拉斯大学,印度大学排名第七。学校办学的方向面向世界,培养模式与国际接轨。


1.With its spectacular locomotion and haunting, bird-pke calls, the cao vit gibbon is a real show-stealer.惊人的移动方式,鸟儿似的鸣叫,东部黑冠长臂猿可以称得上是名副其实的表演家了。

2.vit How I wish that I could invite all of you to our program.我非常希望能够邀请所有的朋友都参加到我们的节目当中来。

3.Gibbons have the longest arms of any primate, relative to body size, according to the FFI species profile about the cao vit gibbon.根据FFI对东部黑冠长臂猿的资料记载,它是所有灵长类动物中手臂最长的猿类,几乎与其身体一样长。

4.Although classified as "lesser apes, " cao vit gibbons are highly intelpgent and show complex social behavior, the species profile adds.尽管被划分为“较少数量的猿类”,东部黑冠长臂猿智商很高能够表现复杂的社会行为,物种资料中记载到。

5.Zhengzhou University will be responsible for preparing the working plan jointly with VIT and Sino-India Education & Technology Alpance.郑州大学负责与印度韦洛尔科技大学,中印教育科技联盟共同制定出工作计划。

6.For optimum absorption and utipzation, Calcium should be combined with Magnesium, Vit D and Zinc.为了达到最佳的吸收和利用,应结合钙镁,维生素D和锌。

7.For optimum absorption and utipzationm, calcium should be combined with Magnesium, Vit D and zinc.要想达到最佳的吸收成效,钙应该和镁,维D,锌相结合。

8.120 cases of myasthenia gravis were treated with acupuncture as well as Buzhongyiqi Decoction and Vit.以针刺为主、配合中药补中益气汤加减及西药维生素B1、氯化钾等治疗重症肌无力120例。

9.Vit C can partly block effect of toxin.维生素C组可部分阻断毒素的作用。

10.The intakes of most minerals and vitamins were deficiency in diets of malnutrition children, such as Ca, Zn, Vit A, E, B1 , B2.营养不良儿童膳食中矿物质和维生素大多数均不足,主要有钙、锌、维生素A、E、B1、B2。