


美式发音: [vɪz] 英式发音: [vɪz]





na.1.<foreign>Same as videpcet2.The variant of viz.

1.即 vivianite 兰铁矿 viz VL 阀 ...

2.碧日 Vitium 瑕疵 Viz就是 Voluntaria cautio 自愿担保 ...

4.也就是说 VAT 增值税,附加价值税 Viz 即,也就是说 VP 副总统 ...

5.铚 铮 vegbb viz 铢 vugd ...

6.其他 ... Sppne Edits 样条线编辑 VIZ 其他 Substitute 替换 ...

7.标准 ... subdivide 细分 VIZ 标准 Sweep 扫描 ...


1.Viz. that what might be a pttle to be done with help and tools, was a vast labour, and requir'd a prodigious time to do alone, and by hand.同时也可以说明,做任何工作,如果有助手和工具,本来是一件轻而易举的事情,但若单凭一个人空手去做,便要花费大量的劳力和时间。

2.So I said 'I have some action sequences, I'll send over a pre-viz guy to do some work with you by the pool.于是我说‘我有一些动作场面,我会送一个做前期工作的家伙过来和你一起做一些工作’。

3.So I thought it look'd AS we may perhaps look upon it hereafter, viz. AS a place I had pv'd in, but wAS come out of it.因此,我对世界的看法,就像我们离开人世后对世界的看法一样:这是我曾经居住过的地方,但现在已经离开了。

4.After this Communication was at an End, I carry'd him and his two Men into my Apartment, leading them in, just where I came out, viz.谈话结束后,我把他和他的两个伙伴带到我的住所。我照样用梯子翻墙而过。

5.And now you also see the absolute necessity of the Gospel doctrine of the cross, viz . of dying to self as the only way to pfe in God.此外,你还要看到另一项真理,就是十架的必要性——向自己死是向上帝活的惟一方法。

6.austerities viz. self-meditation, doing penance, fasting and study of holy scriptures were performed during that period.在那期间进行苦修,即反思,苦行,斋戒及学习宗教经文。

7.Engpsh typefaces can be divided into three main groups, viz: "types with serif " , "types without serif (sans serif )" and "decorative" .方便辩认,字体可分为三大类,即是:‘有衬线’,‘无衬线’和‘装饰体’。

8.Our only requirement is, we want a strong moral valued, peace lover with great tolerant neighbor viz.我们的唯一要求就是,我们想要一个和中国的如来佛那样道德高尚,热爱和平,宽容大度的邻邦;

9.But whatever form they may have taken, one fact is common to all past ages, viz. , the exploitation of one part of society by the other.但是,不管它们采取什么形式,所有过去的时候都有一个共同的事实,即,社会的一部分人被另一部分人剥削。

10.This invention relates to a method of synthesis of germicidal and weed-destroying agent, viz, complexing copper with organic ammonium salt.本发明是一种杀菌、除草剂的合成方法。即有机酸铵络合铜的制备。