




1.维特罗斯  可购于:维特罗斯(Waitrose)257家分销商,联系方式:0800 188 881,网址:www.waitrose网址被屏蔽。  3.土耳其-赛维纶-长相思20…

2.维特罗斯超市  甚至溢价超市马莎百货(Marks&Spencer)和维特罗斯超市(Waitrose),现在也开始进行价格竞争。前者在今年4月推出SimplyM&…


4.连锁超市维特罗斯英国高级连锁超市维特罗斯Waitrose)水果采购专员贝格特表示, 这种新草莓能提供顾客买水果时的崭新选择,雪白的外型 …

5.英国连锁超市维特罗斯英国连锁超市维特罗斯Waitrose)把食品废弃物用厌氧消化技术处理,历时四年,实现了国内约280家门店的“食品废弃物零 …

6.英国维特罗斯从8月中旬开始,英国维特罗斯Waitrose)便将张裕葡萄酒列入采购名单,在其高端连锁超市销售。这是维特罗斯首次采购中 …


1.Without Waitrose's pre-weighed cake ingredients I'm not sure my Christmas cake would have been made at all.要是没有维特罗斯的预先称量好的蛋糕配料,我不确定我能不能做出来圣诞蛋糕。

2.Waitrose, a supermarket chain, said it would examine Greenpeace's evidence and "conduct a thorough investigation" if necessary.联锁超市运营商Waitrose表示,将会研究绿色和平组织提出的证据,必要时将“展开彻底的调查”。

3.Analysts said Waitrose's margins would have to take a hit to roll out the plans.分析人士表示,价格匹配计划推出后,将影响Waitrose的利润。

4.That has prompted an advertising boycott of Beck's show or Fox News as a whole by more than 20 companies, including Waitrose in Britain.由20多家公司发起的抵制贝克节目或者整个福克斯新闻网的广告迅速出现。英国的Waitrose也参与其中。

5.John Lewis, an upmarket retailer, has promised to take on 250 long-term unemployed locals in its department store and Waitrose supermarket.高端零售商JohnLewis承诺吸收250名当地无业人士作为长期雇员,分配到旗下百货公司和Waitrose超市。

6.Will Waitrose and John Lewis suffer a dip in their benevolent reputations if they are seen to be bullying Ocado?如果Waitrose和JohnLewis被大家认为是在“欺负”Ocado,那么它们那与人为善的名声是否会因此受损?

7.At the same time Waitrose, which many analysts had thought would be hit hard by the economic downturn, has prospered.与此同时,维特罗斯却很兴旺。许多分析家曾经以为它在经济衰退中会遭受重创。

8.Waitrose was rated top supermarket in a survey by Which? , the consumer magazine.而在消费者杂志Which?进行的一项调查中,Waitrose被评为最受欢迎的超市。

9.The culture of cheap food has damaged pubpc health, farming and the environment, according to the head of Waitrose .Wartrose主管认为,廉价食品文化已然损害了公众健康,破坏了农业以及环境。

10.Waitrose has moved to printing key information directly onto its egg boxes instead of using labels to display the information.维特罗斯已经转移到印刷到它的蛋盒的关键信息,而不是直接使用标签来显示信息。