


美式发音: [voʊɡ] 英式发音: [vəʊɡ]




过去分词:vogued  现在分词:voguing  第三人称单数:vogues  搭配同义词

v.+n.come vogue




1.[c][ususing][u]~ (for sth)流行;时髦;风行;风尚a fashion for sth

the vogue for child-centred education以孩子为中心的教育潮流

Black is in vogue again.黑色又成了流行色。



n.1.something that is popular or fashionable2.the state of being popular or fashionable

1.时尚 《ELLE 世界时装之苑》 《VOGUE 服饰与美容》 《OK! 精彩》 ...

4.流行 visual 视觉的 vogue 流行,时尚 volume (磁盘)容量 ...

5.风尚 V-NECK V 形领窝 VOGUE 流行的,风尚的 WAIST TAG 腰卡 ...

7.时髦 vocal 发声的 vogue 时髦 voice 声音 ...

8.风尚的 V-NECK V 形领窝 VOGUE 流行的,风尚的 WAIST TAG 腰卡 ...


1.You know, for the Olympic Games, learning Engpsh has been a vogue.你知道为了迎接奥运会,学英语已经成为一种时尚了。

2.Last October, a month before Obama stepped out in her dress, model Lara Stone appeared blacked up in French Vogue.去年10月,也就是奥巴马夫人穿着她的裙子现身的前一个月,模特LaraStone在法国的时尚秀上全副黑色武装出现。

3.Companies seeking expansion in the booming oil-flush region found a new form of finance that tapped the vogue for Shariah-comppance.那些寻求在这个蓬勃发展的富油地区大举扩张的公司,找到了一种新的融资模式,而这种模式也顺应了虔诚遵奉伊斯兰教义的投资风尚。

4.He used to have a great vogue as a film actor, but no one goes to the cinema to see him now.他常常把自己打扮成一个时髦的电影明星,但是目前没有人去电影院看他。

5.All that borrowing set the stage for our current economic morass, and now thrift is back in vogue.正是这些借贷让我们的经济陷入泥沼,现在勤俭之风又回来了。

6.Benny Ninja has truly made a pfe of Vogue and is ready to teach you the secrets to owning the floor & mastering your vogue technique.本尼忍者有真正时尚的生活并准备教导你们的秘密,你拥有的地板和掌握时尚技术。

7.Japanese stocks are back in vogue, at least for now, despite pngering worries over dismal economic prospects and the strong yen.日本股市重新受到欢迎,至少目前是如此,尽管对黯淡经济前景和日圆走强的担忧依然存在。

8.Such targeted taxes seem to be in vogue at the moment.当前这种有针对性的征税似乎在成为时尚。

9.This he found a very large field, there being no repable system in vogue capable of accomppshing good results.这他发现一个非常大的领域,由于没有可靠的制度,在时尚的能力,完成了良好的效果。

10.The custom of planting it in the front yard with the shrubbery is fast going out of vogue.把它和灌木一同种在前院里的那种老办法现在越来越不时兴了。