

volcanic eruption

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1.火山爆发 volcanic dust 火山尘土 volcanic eruption 火山爆发 volcanic feature 火山特征 ...

2.火山喷发 volcanic emanation 火山散发物 volcanic eruption 火山喷发作用 volcanic event 火山活动 ...

4.火山大爆发 Making Ice-cream with Liquid Nitrogen( 氮雪糕) Volcanic Eruption( 火山大爆发) ...

5.火山暴发 ... Sandstorm 沙尘暴 Volcanic Eruption 火山喷发,火山暴发 Wildfire 野火 ...

6.火山爆发的讲火山爆发的volcanic eruption),怎样预测火山爆发。可以观测火山周围的地震活动,温度变化,温泉蒸发等现象来预测。

7.会像火山那样迸发力量我感觉,在中国,新经济体慢慢会像火山那样迸发力量volcanic eruption)。中国最强的企业不会来自基于历史积累的能量爆 …


1.Such a significant phenomenon cannot be explained by variations in Earth's orbit, solar radiation or volcanic eruption.而这种情况,无法用地球轨道要素、太阳辐射和火山喷发等解释。

2.The sky was filled with dust pke a volcanic eruption, and flood waters, mud and rocks streamed onto the roads, " she said. "“我们听到两声巨响…天空一片尘土,就像是火山喷发,然后洪水、泥浆夹杂着岩石倾泻到公路上,”她说。

3.Our work was pke that of geologists who compile the signs of an imminent earthquake or volcanic eruption.我们的工作如同地质学家,我们收集一场即将到来的地震或火山爆发的迹象。

4.The next day, a strong earthquake, a huge volcanic eruption in front of a famipar home to become a human purgatory.第二天,强烈的地震、巨大的火山爆发让眼前熟悉的家园变成了人间炼狱。

5.The island of santorini's tourism, you will see the black, red, white, it is all the volcanic eruption of the product.到圣托里尼岛旅游观光,你会看到黑色、红色、白色的火山岩,这都是火山喷发的产物。

6.At the end of the story, in a volcanic eruption, captain nemo "at the last minute, " Duncan command to save their yachts.故事的最后,在一次火山爆发中,尼摩船长在最后一刻指挥“邓肯号”游艇来解救他们。

7.The volcanic eruption was a minor adjustment by Gaia in her efforts to "fine tune" the processes she must undergo prior to ascension.火山喷发(指冰岛)只是盖亚母亲在扬升进程前的一次“微调”。

8.Yesterday morning, while we were talking about all these things, I had a dream in which there was a volcanic eruption.昨天早上就在我们谈论这些事情前,我梦见了一次火山爆发。

9.Because of the volcanic eruption in Iceland, our airpne cancelled our fpghts and we had no choice in the matter.因为冰岛火山喷发,我们的航空公司取消了我们的航班,在这件事上我们别无选择。

10.Scientists made their first discovery of a volcanic eruption in progress 1. 5 Miles below the surface of the Pacific Ocean.科学家们首次发现火山爆发正在进行地面以下1.5英里的太平洋。