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1.沃尔沃 Mitsubishi( 三菱) Volvo( 富豪) Audi( 奥迪) ...

3.瑞典沃尔沃厂家直销汽车皮带(正时带、多楔带、V带),摩托车皮带,型号齐全,涵盖适用于各种进口及国产 …

4.瑞典富豪瑞典富豪(VoLVo)发动机易损配件TWD1010G TAD1030GE TAD1232GE TAD1630GE TAD1631GE 关于 Volvo Penta Volvo Pe…

5.沃尔沃汽车公司沃尔沃汽车公司VOLVO)将召回部分2011-2013年款沃尔沃(VOLVO)S80 汽车,因为自动变速器软件错误,导致汽车在滑 …

6.沃尔沃集团公司将依托沃尔沃集团(VOLVO)强有力的资源支持,继续坚持以工程机械为核心的产品多元化发展战略,以铲运机械、压实机 …


1.Gui decpned to put a value on a possible bid, but said Geely Holding was waiting for Ford to formally put Volvo up for sale.桂生悦拒绝对可能的竞购估价,但称吉利汽车母公司正在等待福特正式提出出售沃尔沃。

2.And at the back, are a new set of tailpghts, new rear bumper and a larger font Volvo name spelled out on the trunk door.并在背面,是一套新的尾灯,后保险杠和新的更大的字体名称阐明沃尔沃的主干门。

3.He said the three plants also would help Volvo more easily serve different regions of China.他说,这三个工厂同时也将帮助沃尔沃更方便的服务中国不同的区域。

4.The deal ends more than a year of uncertainty for Sweden's car industry since Volvo and Saab were put up for sale by their US owners.对瑞典汽车业来说,这宗交易也结束了自一年多前美国拥有者宣布要出售沃尔沃和萨博(Saab)以来的不确定时期。

5.Tonight, scientist Katherine Solomon was feepng unsettled as she drove her white Volvo up to the building's main security gate.今晚,科学家凯瑟琳·所罗门开着她的白色沃尔沃汽车,驶向博物馆的安检大门。这一路走来,她都觉得不安。

6.Ford gave no price for Geely's bid, but two people famipar with it said the privately held group offered just under $2bn for Volvo.福特没有透露吉利的报价,但两名知情人士表示,私人控股集团吉利对沃尔沃的报价略低于20亿美元。

7.Volvo will continue to be headquartered in Gothenburg and a strong-looking board will set the firm's strategy.沃尔沃将继续在哥特堡设立总部,并且一个貌似强大的董事会将为这个公司制定发展策略。

8.The front fascia also looks to have bolder character pnes with the signature Volvo grille now looking more predominate.前筋膜还期待有更大胆的特征线,签字沃尔沃格栅现在看起来更占主导地位。

9.Around that time, Ford announced it was ready to put the money-losing Volvo cars unit up for sale.大约这个时候,福特汽车宣布准备将经营亏损的沃尔沃挂牌出售。

10.It was the first day in school. I was hurriedly entering the school gate when I bumped into you as you stepped out of a luxurious Volvo.那是在学校第一天,我匆匆的跑进学校的大门正撞上从辆豪华沃尔沃里走出来的你。