



美式发音: [ˈvɑmɪt] 英式发音: [ˈvɒmɪt]




第三人称单数:vomits  现在分词:vomiting  过去式:vomited  同义词


v.be sick,throw up,heave,gag,retch




v.1.if you vomit, food comes up from your stomach and out through your mouth because you are sick

n.1.food or other substances that come up from your stomach and out through your mouth when you vomit

1.呕吐 broipng adj. 酷热的, 炽热的, 似烧的 vomited n. 呕吐, 呕吐物, 催吐剂 wilpam n. 威廉 ...

2.呕吐物 broipng adj. 酷热的, 炽热的, 似烧的 vomited n. 呕吐, 呕吐物, 催吐剂 wilpam n. 威廉 ...


1.The pain grew in intensity. He gave a loud moan and vomited all over the floor.肚子越来越疼,他发出一声痛苦的哀嚎,吐了一地。

2.I ran across the hall to find a terrified pttle girl who had vomited quite a bit of pizza all over herself and her crib.我冲过走廊,发现一个惊慌失措的小女孩,她身上和床上到处都是自己呕吐的披萨。

3.Her boss gave up on her after she vomited from the crushing of a fish, she said, with her last performance in 2008.她说她的老板最终放弃了她,当她在2008年最后一次碾压金鱼的表演中出现了呕吐之后。

4.Sobbing, he turned his head and vomited onto the frozen snow. Blood dripped from his face into the vomit.他抽泣著,他转头吐在雪上。血从他的脸上滴在呕吐物上。

5.The cannon vomited forth its package of buck -shot with a roar. But there was no rebound.大炮一声吼,喷出了一丛霰弹,但没有弹跳的情况。

6.Last night i was to take a bath with my cat . After i took off my dress , my cat vomited, vomited all over the place.昨晚我和我的猫一起进浴室洗澡,当我脱了衣服,我的猫就吐了,吐得到处都是。

7.Led for several minutes, sevens were a burst of to vibrate, the black ball of a thumb size was vomited out by it.过了几分钟,七彩贝克一阵颤动,一颗拇指大小的黑球被它吐了出来。

8.The factory chimneys vomited (out) smoke (all day).工厂的烟囱(整天)冒着烟。

9.And if you defile the land, it will vomit you out as it vomited out the nations that were before you.免得你们玷污那地的时候,地就把你们吐出,像吐出在你们以先的国民一样。

10.Crafty king draws the Hamlet, and sent to Britain, two of his classmates to monitor, a king in vomited prince ashore will kill him.奸王借机把哈姆雷特派到英国,并叫监视他的两个同学带去密信一封,要英王在王子上岸时就杀死他。