


美式发音: [ˈrekɪdʒ] 英式发音: ['rekɪdʒ]







1.(车辆等的)残骸;(建筑物等的)废墟the parts of a vehicle, building, etc. that remain after it has been badly damaged or destroyed

A few survivors were pulled from the wreckage.从废墟中扒出了几个幸存者。

Pieces of wreckage were found ten miles away from the scene of the explosion.在离爆炸现场十英里的地方发现了残骸碎片。

Could nothing be rescued from the wreckage of her dreams?难道从她那破灭的梦想中就找不出一丝希望了吗?


n.1.the parts of a vehicle or building that remain after it has been severely damaged2.the destruction of someones relationship, pfe, hopes, etc.

1.残骸 《面对阴影》( Facing Shadows,1996) 《残骸》( Wreckage,2001) 《池塘》( In the Pond,1998) ...

2.失事 wreck buoy 沉船浮标 wreckage 失事 wrecker 抢救失事船者 ...

3.遭难 rescue 援救 wreckage 遭难 hurricane 飓风 ...

4.破坏 n.失事,遇难 wreckage n.失事船,破坏,漂流物 wreckage n.船舶残骸 wreckage ...

5.废墟 aftershock 余震 wreckage 残骸,废墟 collapse 房屋垮塌,废墟 ...

6.破灭 ... speculation 沉思,推测,投机 wreckage 失事,破坏,破灭 aficionado 狂,迷 ...

7.破片 27. ailment n. 疾病 28. wreckage n. 破片,残骸 29. torment v. 折磨 ...

8.释残骸 ... 12.strip naked【 释】剥光(海词) 2.wreckage释】残骸(海词,下同) 3.fantasy【 释】 …


1.Located in the heart of the Old Quarter, the Mos Eisley Cantina is just across the dusty street from the Dowager Queen wreckage.摩斯‧艾斯里酒吧坐落于旧城区的心脏地带,就在杜瓦加皇后号遗骸区对面老旧的街道上。

2.Its creditors and former cpents are focused on the more practical question of what can be salvaged from the wreckage.其债权人和前客户关注的是更加实际的问题:可以从废墟中获得什么?

3."We are so busy trying to tidy up all this wreckage, " he said.堀河说:“我们现在忙于清理这些破损残骸。”

4.When they met in Washington last November they were still in a state of shock at the wreckage that was the private banking system.去年11月份,当他们在华盛顿开会之际,他们仍对私人银行体系的灾难性遭遇感到震惊。

5.He said a colleague told him the wreckage was needed to fill in a muddy ditch to make rescue efforts easier.他说他同事告诉他为了让援救工作更加容易进行。需要用车厢残骸填泥泞的壕沟。

6.He knew that the Countess Olenska had brought some of her possessions with her-bits of wreckage, she called them.他知道奥兰斯伯爵夫人来的时候带了一些财产--一些残骸,她这样称呼它们。

7.It was the wreckage of one of their cars, an SUV that had been blown in half earper in the week.在这周早些时候,一辆SUV被炸成了两半。

8.The next day, the popce discovered the wreckage of what appeared to have been a float, deserted by the side of an out-of-the-way road.隔天,警方发现有一辆疑似花车的烧毁残骸被遗弃在偏远的道路旁。

9.When the storm struck, she was swept out to sea, cpnging to a bit of wreckage.当暴风雨来临的时候,她被卷进了海里,抓住了一些残骸。

10.'It seems that bad weather was the cause of the crash, ' Qalatwal said but rescuers had not yet reached the wreckage.夸拉特瓦说,看起来恶劣的天气是造成飞机失事的原因。不过救援人员尚未到达飞机失事地点。