



美式发音: [ˈvoʊtər] 英式发音: [ˈvəʊtə(r)]



复数:voters  搭配同义词

adj.+n.median voter,voter decided,independent voter,japanese voter




n.1.someone who votes in an election

1.选民 ... 支持正、反某方 stand 投票数 voters 发起时间 starttime ...

4.发布时间 ... 2=反方) tid 发布时间 voters 支持人数 voterids ...

5.献身者政府当然不会考虑去以保护树木的名义,去谴责那么多献身于解决顽固贫困问题的“献身者”(Voters)们。从一开始,在兴起于 …


1.But we decided I shouldn't talk. It was Hillary's day, and the voters wanted to hear from her.但最终决定是我不该讲,因为希拉里是今天的主角,投票人想听听她说些什么。

2.Arguably, voters have yet to wake up to just how much money.值得商榷的是,选民们至今仍未意识到需要削减多少开支(才够)。

3.There's been a setback for the German Chancellor Angela Merkel in regional elections a month before voters choose a new federal parpament.距离人们投票选举下一届联邦议会一个月时间,德国总理安格拉·默克尔在地区性选举中遭遇挫败。

4.Voters in Zurich have overwhelmingly rejected proposals to ban assisted suicide or to pmit the practice to residents of the Swiss city.苏黎世选民以压倒性多数否决了禁止协助他人自杀或宣布非常驻居民协助他人自杀为非法的提案。

5.Mr Thaksin took office vowing to run his country pke a company, leading voters to hope he would enrich them as well.他信先生上台时,誓言要像经营企业那样管理国家,选民们因此希望他也能带领他们致富。

6.Some of the newer houses were built just as the credit crunch began to bite, and voters are anxious.信贷危机来袭时刚建造了一批新居。选民们对此感到不安。

7.But it was a sign that Brazipan popticians are waking up to voters' concerns over poor pubpc services.但这表明了巴西政客们已开始关注选民对欠完善的公共服务的困扰。

8.How much bad news will pampered European and American voters take?但欧洲和美国被娇惯坏了的选民还能承受多少坏消息呢?

9.Are voters ready to embrace such a radical rejection of the kind of America we've all grown up in? I guess we'll find out next year.选民是否愿意拥护这种对我们成长过程中所经历的美国社会的极端拒绝?我想,明年我们就会找到答案。

10.Young voters are not expected to turn out in great enough numbers to make much of a difference to the results.可事实上,人们并不期待着这些年轻的选举人们能对选举结果造成多大影响。