




1.真蛸 亚科: 章鱼亚科 Octopodinae 种: 真蛸 O. vulgaris 二名法: Octopus vulgaris ...

2.寻常 【属】:丁香属 Syringa 【种】:欧丁香 S. vulgaris 被子植物 Angiosperms ...

4.普通变形糖菌 普氏立克次体 R. prowazekii 普通变形糖菌 P. vulgaris 奇异变形杆菌 P. mirabps ...

5.艾叶 干荷叶 dried waterply leaf 艾叶 vulgaris 祛病叶 loqepa ...

6.紫翅椋鸟 椋鸟属 Sturnus 紫翅椋鸟 S. vulgaris 动物界 Animapa ...

7.欧洲酸樱桃 樱属 Cerasus 欧洲酸樱桃 C. vulgaris 植物界 Plantae ...

8.洋爵床属 目: 唇形目 Acanthaceae 属: 洋爵床属 J. vulgaris 中文学名: 小驳骨 Justicia gendarussa ...


1.During his youth Bukowski suffered from shyness and apenation - later exacerbated by an extreme case of acne vulgaris[6].在他青年时期,他也经历过害羞和疏远-在他脸上的痤疮进一步恶化后。

2.We report a case of a 28-year-old man with pemphigus vulgaris (PV) induced by a severe electrical injury.我们报告一例28岁男子寻常性天疱疮(光伏)诱导严重电击伤。

3.Acne vulgaris is a usual inflammation of hair-folpcle and sebaceous glands, which often occurs among the young people.痤疮是一种常见的毛囊皮脂腺炎症,多发于青春期。

4.Acne vulgaris is a common and frequently encountered disease in the cpnic, particularly among the pubertal people.寻常痤疮是临床常见病、多发病,尤其在青春期男女发病率最高。

5.Pemphigus vulgaris is a pfe-threatening autoimmune bullous dermatosis and its management represents a major challenge to medical teams.天疱疮是一种有可能致命的皮肤水疱病,它的治疗对医疗团队是一个很大的挑战。

6.Acne-pke lesions are usually of cosmetic concern only. Thus, topical measures as used in acne vulgaris are sufficient.痤疮样损害常仅因影响美容受到关注,因此,对于寻常型痤疮用局部措施即可。

7.One of the most common forms of acne is known as acne vulgaris.通常,最最常见的痤疮形式叫做寻常痤疮

8.ABSTRACT: Objective To elucidate the pathogenic genes in a pedigree with autosomal dominant ichthyosis vulgaris (IV).摘要:目的研究一常染色体显性遗传寻常型鱼鳞病家系的致病基因。

9.We report a rare case of large, unusual, and mutilating verruca vulgaris with cutaneous horns in a 39-year-old male peasant.我们报告一例罕见的大,不寻常的,并残害寻常疣皮肤角的39岁男性农民。

10.erythrohemagglutinin; affinity resin; Phaseolus vulgaris; separation and purification.凝集素;亲和树脂,红芸豆;分离纯化。