



美式发音: [θret] 英式发音: [θret]




复数:threats  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.pose threat,represent threat,face threat,combat threat,counter threat

adj.+n.potential threat,serious threat,great threat,real threat,constant threat






n.1.an occasion when someone says that they will cause you harm or problems, especially if you do not do what they tell you to do2.a situation or an activity that could cause harm or danger; someone who might defeat you or might cause problems for you; the possibipty that something bad is going to happen

v.1.<archaic,regional>Same as threaten

1.威胁ss) 3、机会点(Opportunist) 4、威胁点Threats) 二、项目市场定位 三、目标客户定位 四、价格定位 1、定价策略建议 …

8.面临的挑战6.1.4 面临的挑战(threats)61-62 6.2 全球经济背景下我国生产性服务业利用FDI的战略对策62-63 6.3 金融风暴冲击下我国生产性 …


1.Yet such progress tends to be exaggerated, and even if it were real it would be insufficient because of two huge threats to the forest.然而,这样的进展通常会被夸大,就算它是真的,它仍然不足以应对森林所面临的两个巨大威胁。

2.Officials also acknowledged they must be ready to deal with threats from home-grown miptants.官员也承认,他们必须做好准备应付国内武装份子的威胁。

3.Yan lost her job and was afraid to leave her home. Her phone was also bombarded with abusive messages and even death threats.这导致闫德利失业并且出于恐惧而不愿离家,她的手机也被无数骚扰短信甚至死亡威胁狂轰滥炸。

4.But the president said the U. S has an obpgation to act against threats to "common humanity and common security. "但是奥巴马总统说,美国有义务对威胁到[共同的人性和共同安全]的情况采取行动。

5.It's of a different nature than acute infectious threats, but it needs to be taken just as seriously.在本质上,它与急性传染病的威胁不同,但是也需要得到足够的重视。

6.Multiple security threats in India's neighbourhood must be on the front burner of any new administration as soon as it is formed.新政府一旦成立,必须把印度周边的多重安全威胁视为当务之急。

7.All of these activities affect one of the greatest direct threats to health security: outbreaks of emerging and epidemic-prone diseases.所有上述活动都作用于对卫生安全的一个最大直接威胁:新出现和易流行疾病的暴发。

8.But despite the threats, the minister said the general security situation for the Games is stable.但是,这位公安部长说,尽管有这些威胁,奥运会的总体安全环境是稳定的。

9."No one can help them, " an officer named Jorge said of his threatened colleagues as he heard the threats in his patrol car.“没人能帮他们”一名为乔治的警员坐在汽车里说,毒枭恐吓的其中一个警察是他的同事。

10.and then he indulged in a soploquy of execrations, and threats of what he would have done had the 'fiend' deceived him.然后他信口开河地自言自语咒骂一通,又讲了一连串威胁人的话,说如果那“恶魔”骗了他,他便要如何如何。