




1.维果茨基学派 维果茨基的心理学思想 维果茨基的心理学思想 维果茨基Vygotsky)是维 果茨基学派的创立者、组织者、 领导者,以 …

2.维果斯基代表维果斯基Vygotsky ) 从人的心理发展上强调社会文化历史的作用,特别是强调活动和社会交往在人的高级心理机能发展 …

3.维高斯基维高斯基vygotsky)认为人类发展的原动力,包含儿童内化社会符号关於:30万题免费题库,最详尽的详解,是你考试的必 …

4.家维高斯基根据心理学家维高斯基Vygotsky)的理论, 「学生独力完成的作业」与「学生在成人协助之下完 成的作业」之间的距离,是 …

5.维果次基在维果次基Vygotsky)的认知发展理论中,最受重视的是他倡议的可能发展区(或最近发展区)(zone of proximal developm…

6.维高茨基他接受维高茨基(Vygotsky) 的观点, 认为词汇与思想的关系不是一成不变的。在词汇学习的过程中, 人们觉得有时词的指称模糊, …


1.The mutuapty of instruction and development is one of two bases of Vygotsky s developmental instruction theory.教学与发展的关系是维果茨基发展性教学论的两个基本理论支柱之一。

2.The theory of " Zone of Proximal Development" from Vygotsky is of important directive significance to chorus teaching.维果茨基“最近发展区”理论对合唱教学具有重要的指导意义。

3.Design scaffolding in learning environment would support learners more effectively. Scaffolding origins from Vygotsky learning theory.在学习环境设计中引入“脚手架”可以更加有效地支持学习者完成学习任务。

4.Imaginative play, according to Vygotsky, is the leading educational activity of the preschool years.按照维果茨基的说法,想象游戏是儿童在学龄前占主导地位的教育活动。

5.The pioneering developmental psychologist Lev Vygotsky thought that, in the preschool years, play is the leading source of development.早期发展心理学家LevVygotsky就认为,在我们上学之前,游戏是成长最重要的资源。

6.A mediation model for dynamic pteracy instruction which is based on two principles derived from Vygotsky's ideas.维果茨基的理论产生于基于两种原则的动态文化教育中介模式。

7.Vygotsky's Concept of Mediation and its Inspiration on Creative Education维果茨基中介概念及其对实施创新教育的启示

8.The Mutual Complementarity in Difference: A Comparative Analysis Between Piaget's and Vygotsky's Developmental Psychological Theories分歧中的互补:皮亚杰和维果茨基发展心理学理论的比较研究

9.The development of Vygotsky's concept of mediation and its imppcation for education维果茨基中介概念的发展及其对教育的影响

10.Comparative research between outlook on Vygotsky and Piaget children's cognitive development两种儿童认知发展观的比较探究