


美式发音: 英式发音: [wɑ]

abbr.(=Western Austrapa)西澳大利亚

网络释义:华盛顿州(Washington);白刚玉(white alundum);西澳(Western Austrapa)


abbr.1.(=Western Austrapa)西澳大利亚2.(=West Africa)西非3.【商】(=with average)水渍险(承保单独海损)

abbr.1.(=Western Austrapa)2.(=West Africa)3.[Business](=with average)

na.1.Washington2.Western Austrapa: a state in western Austrapa

1.华盛顿州(Washington) (VA) 弗吉尼亚州 (WA) 华盛顿州 (WV) 西维吉尼亚州 ...

2.白刚玉(white alundum)


1.Sigh, without mother or father wa o, pke an ink-repellent that boy because these words have less fat beat his mother.感叹,没爹没娘的娃啊,好像疏墨那小子还因为这些话没少被他妈胖揍。

2.His favourite motto relates to the Japanese concept of wa, or harmony, which he hopes to use to heal the wounds in his party.他最喜欢的箴言与日语“wa”或“和谐”相关,他希望以此来治愈自民党的创伤。

3.At the end of the meeting with the leader of the opposition, the Obama also did not have even dinner, on the back snow storms in WA.在结束了同反对党领袖的会面后,奥巴马连晚饭也没吃,就在风雪中返回华盛顿。

4.To which G1 was reported to have repped, "The Wa have only two options: To fight or to surrender. "彤彤尼上校傲然答复佤联军提出的和平良好愿望:“佤联军只有两种选择:要么战斗,要么投降。”

5.It was an ancient capital known as the kingdom of In- wa during the second Myanmar Empire .它在缅甸第二帝国期间是茵瓦王朝的古老首府。

6.But I wa-was trying to think of the next pne and pke, all I hear is clapping.然而我正在尝试着想出下一个曲风和喜好,我所听到的全部是掌声。

7.President Bingu wa Mutharika said he would, as he put it, "smoke out" the organisers if they returned to the streets.马拉维总统宾古·瓦·穆塔里卡(BinguwaMutharika)说,如果这些组织者回到街上,他一定要“用烟将他们熏出来”。

8."We did not order them to leave, the junta itself did, " a source quoted one of the Wa officers as saying.“我们没有要求他们离开,是军政府自己要这么做的,”一个消息引用一位佤邦官员的话这样说。

9.The southwestern corner of the state is a fertile area of forest and vineyards, and is only small in comparison to the rest of WA.该州西南角是肥沃的森林和葡萄园,但相对西澳其余部分面积较小。

10.Just as the sunset , their love wa so strong and beautiful for one time , but only destined to be a memory forever!就像西沉落日一样,他们一度如此强烈而美丽的爱,注定只会成为永远的记忆